
假如你是珍妮,你从朋友迈克的来信中了解到他的烦恼.提示:1.迈克和弟弟相处得不好,有时候还打架;2.迈克弟弟总是播放CD声音很大,影响迈克学习;3.迈克弟弟总是私自拿迈克的学习用具而且不归还.80词,开头已给出,不计入总词数.dear mike,how are you?from your letter i see that you're having problems.here is some advice for you.针对每一件事情给出相应的建议

Firstly,you can have a sincere talk with your brother.You should tell him that you really want to be on good terms with him.And it would be better if you can calm down when you argue with each other next time.Secondly,you are supposed to share your feelings with him.Only in this way can your brother realize his mistakes.Finally,you can buy some stationeries for him as gifts.On the one hand,it can solve your problem.On the other hand ,it would be easier for you to establish a good relationship with him through this way.
I hope these suggestions will help you.Wish you a better life!
第1个回答  2017-07-26
dear mike,how are you?from your letter i see that you're having problems.here is some advice for you.
Firstly,you can't get on well with your brother,I think that communication will help.Try to adjust your temper.You are the elder one ,so care more about you little brother.
Secondly,your brother always plays music with a loud voice that influenced your study.I suggest you to be patient and then told him what you think.I believe that he will understand you.
Thirdly,your brother borrow some studying stuff from you but never give back.I think you should be serous and tell him the importance of honesty.
That's all.hope you can fix it out soon.
第2个回答  2015-05-08