
图片上有个醉醺醺的男人(我爸爸- -),旁边交警边开罚单边说,酒后驾车重罚。越快越好,50分钟内吧。谢谢o.o


爸爸昨天喝了好多酒,高兴的开车车子哼着小曲,车子开的左右摇摆,快到家的时候,被巡逻警车拦住后,警察一边做记录,一边说:“你喝了好多酒哦,而且车子还开得这么快,我都要追不上了,给你开一张酒后驾车的罚单还有超速罚单,你的车 ,因为你的酒精含量太高,车速已经超过了60英里。你要重罚”

Drink tickets

Yesterday, my father drank a lot of wine, happy driving the car humming songs, their cars and left and right swing, they are nearing home when the police patrol vehicle was stopped, the police side of the record over the side said: "You drink a lot of wine Oh, and the the car also opened so fast, I have to catch up, and give you open a drunk driving ticket speeding ticket there, your car, because your alcohol level is too high, the speed has exceeded 60 miles. you have to face severe punishment, "
"Police officer, my son's birthday today, so there are more than worthy of drink, when you put sketches for 100 miles right? You know, I was about to intend to sell the car."
第1个回答  2010-01-21
Last night my father drunk. And then ride home with me. Unfortunately, half way there were traffic police found. Traffic police ticketing side says: "Drink driving is to heavy penalties." I strongly claim that, with my father he did not drink. Later the traffic police have no solution. With a drunken person to talk about reason. Alcohol use and then try things out, Didao father's mouth. Very helpless, my father had been taken to the police station. The next morning my father was out. The next day my father's Jiuxing, and with the Secretary to call it an out. My father is really terrible.
