
在线等 明天下午考试要用 大家帮帮忙啦 不要有语法错误 简单点

题目:What do I learn from the extracurricular reading
正文:Duo to that we have to study everyday most of a day,we relatively have little time to have extracurricular reading.Therefore,we should make use of weekends to do some.
Undoubtedly,what we learn in the school is limited.But after having some extracurricular reading,you will learn more.Firstly,unlike the teaching material,outside reading is inclusive of everything.You can read books according to your interest,such as chinese Four Classic Novels and so on.After reading these books,you will learn a lot of common sense about all aspects and how to be a person.Secondly,as the saying goes:"Books are your best teacher",you will learn more about the world and some professional knowledge to help you gain some related skiils.
Therefore,believe me that book middle myself have yellow gold house.
