求 新概念英语第二册lesson25题目


Multiple choice questions 多项选择题 Comprehension 理解1 Why couldn't the writer understand the porter?(a)The writer didn't know any English. (b)The porter didn't speak English.(c)The writer couldn't understand the the porter'sEnglish.(d)The writer was a foreigner.2The writer ( )(a)didn't think the porter was English.(b)expected everyone in England to speak like his teacher.(c)doesn't think the English speak English.(d)thinks that the English speak many different languages. Structure 句型3 English( )not a different language.(a)are (b)is (c)was (d)has4 ( )did you repeat your question?several times.(a)How many times (b)How many (c)How much (d)How5 He didn't speak slowly and he didn't speak clearly( ).(a)neither (b)either (c)too (d)nor6 The porter and I looked at each other.( )both smiled.(a)I (b)He (c)We (d)They7 He said something and Iunderstood it.He said something ( )I understood.(a)who (b)whose (c)whom (d)which Vocabulary 词汇8 I repeated my question several times .I repeated it ( )times.(a)much (b)a number of (c)only a few (d)three9 At last he understood.He understood( ).(a)in the end (b)at least (c)lastly (d)at the finish10 I come from abroad.I am( ),(a)a foreigner (b)strange (c)overseas (d)abroad11 My teacher( )me English.(a)learnt (b)trained (c)instructed (d)taught12 'You will soon learn English,'he said.I wonder.I( ).(a)am not sure (b)am sure (c)wander (d)know Sentence Structure 句子结构Rewrite this sentence,then check your answer against the text.改写下列句子,然后对照课文第2行,核对你的答案。Because I did not know the way to my hotel,I asked a porter.I( )