
For many of us,the idea of a family is a lot narrower than it used to be. Today children go away to college,and take up jobs wherever chances seem greatest. So instead of growing up in a family with grandparents,aunts,uncles and cousins,many of us are truly connected only to our parents and brothers. Many kids today know little of the lives of their relatives and don’t care deeply about them. Whether we realize it or not,this feeling of being disconnected makes people feel a kind of lonely. “People need to feel connected,”says Joy Browne,a doctor in the U.S. “And they will do it in the easiest ways.” When family members aren’t connected, what could be easier than forming(形成) a connection to famous people? This isn’t something unusual,of course. People cried when Mei Yanfang died in 2003. It’s natural and in most ways harmless to feel that way. But that’s unhealthy, because these relationships(关系) aren’t two-way. For that, we need to stay connected to our own families. Parents can help by telling their children stories about their
grandparents,aunts and cousins,and by telling them the children’s latest activities and interests. We can use technology to keep connected with each other. It’s easy to send e-mails to granddad Better yet,take a vacation with members of your relatives--not with any other person. A week or so of relaxing vacation can be a great way to tie up family ties. And when a bad thing happens,no one can be as helpful as your relatives. Because no matter how much we cry for the famous people,they can’t be there to cry for us.

于我们中的大部分来说,家庭,这个概念现在变的比以前要狭隘的多。今天的孩子们离开家去上大学,去那些工作机会比较多的地方找工作-无论是哪里。所以,现在的孩子们不再跟祖父母,阿姨们,叔叔们一起生活,也仅仅只是和父母和兄弟姐妹保持联系。很多的孩子现在对他们的亲戚的生活知之甚少,也不怎么关心他们。不管我们是否已经意识到了这点,与外界失去联系的感觉确实让我们感觉很孤单。“人们需要感到与外界的联系,”JOY BROWNE,一个美国的医生这样说道。“他们需要在很小的时候就这样做”当家庭成员们没有联系的时候,想要再次的有联系会比与名人建立关系更难。自然,这不是非同寻常的东西。当MEI YANFANG 在2003年去世的时候,人们哭了。那很自然,而且没有害处。但是,那是不正常的,因为这种联系不是双方的。(意思就是,梅艳芳又不认识那些为她哭的人)。我们需要与我们的家人保持联系。父母可以给他们的孩子们讲与他们祖父母和叔叔阿姨们有关的老故事,或者是最近的一些新鲜事。我们还可以用高科技保持联系。比如,发封伊妹儿给祖父母就是件再容易不过的事,还可以跟亲人们一起去旅行,而不是外人。一周一次的外出旅行可以把亲人之间的关系变的更加的紧密。而且,当一些不好的事情发生时,没有人可以代替亲人的作用。因为,不管我们为名人哭过多少次,他们永远不会为我们哭。
