

李清照 – 声声慢
LI Qingzhao – Lyrics to the Adagio of Resonance
寻寻觅觅,Lonely and lonesome
冷冷清清,bleak and bitter
凄凄惨惨戚戚。Deep in dreary thoughts I missed you miserably so
第1个回答  2020-06-12
Searching, seeking, endlessly.
Alone, lonely.
Moody, gloomy.
I am, at this unrestful moment
Of the day - now warm, then cold.
Wine, two or three cups- this wine-
How can it hold
Off the biting gusts at down?
Overhead,a heart-rending line-South-bound wild geese at morn
Yet old acquaintances of mine.
第2个回答  2022-06-29
Find and find
cold and cold
lonely and lonely