谁英语作文认为可以的过来,好就采纳...拜托各位了 3Q

分别是95.96.99.00年的上海市高考英语作文,要求不是满分作文,符合题意,水平一般就可以了 还有2篇:1.title:i like travelling by... 2.校园里,手机短信正逐步取代传统的沟通,并且日益成为学生一族的联系、沟通方式。请分析拇指文化盛行的原因,并就这一现象谈谈你的看法

I like travelling by bike There are many ways of travelling for us to choose.Some people will choose travelling by train,some people think travelling by air is a good way.As for me,i like travelling by bike instead of others.The reasons are as follows: Firstly,it's a good way to protect our environment.As we know,many transprotation will have a lit of waste which is bad for our health,Bike is obviously a good transprotation to solve this problem.Secondly,it's a good way to save money.we don't need to pay any fees for the bus or train tickets,the only thing waste is our energy,and we have pretty large energy.Thridly,we can go anywhere we want,even some desolated and inhabited area. All in all,travelling by bike is a best way for us to choose.