请真正懂英文的帮我翻译谢谢! 不懂就别凑热闹了!不要在线翻译的!!!
1. 他想请你帮个忙
2. 你个他都是我的朋友
3. 他的朋友是你的邻居
4. 如果你有时间,可以去参观他的工厂
5. 我想在中国设一个办事处,希望能得到你的帮助
6. 他的公司占地200亩,年产值8亿元。
7. 如果可以,他不久将派人去印度考察
8. 他是上海市人大代表
9. 两个月前我通过了驾照考试,很顺利的拿到了驾照
10. 我以前在游泳池见过你几次
11. 你中文学的怎么样了
12. 游泳池大约将在3月中旬到五月中旬进行改造,在此期间暂不开放
13. 年卡会员我们最多可以给您延期5个月
14. 如果你有什么需要他帮助的,他会很乐意帮助你
15. 你是怎么来的,开车还是步行
16. 希望以后我们能成为好朋友
17. 我英文翻译的不准确,希望你不要介意
18. 会员卡有效期会顺延2个月
19. 希望我们可以常联系
20. 很高兴认识你,我们下次再联系
1. 他想请你帮个忙 He wants to ask you to give him a hand.\/ He hopes that you can offer him some assistance. (任选一句)2. 你个他都是我的朋友 Both he and you are my friends.3. 他的朋友是你的邻居 His friend is your neighbour.4. 如果你有时间,可以去参观他的工厂 If ...
...英译汉句子翻译!不要软件 或在线翻译出来的!高手来啊!在线等!_百 ...
求翻译 英语高手来 不要机子翻译 在线等 100分
在我的天顶 in the sky of mine 甘有人会看见 someone will see 看到我不甘愿这样过一生 I'm not willing to live so 在我的一生 in my life 我甘愿来相信 I will believe 每一朵花都有自己的春天 every flower blooms its own spring moment 在我的天顶 in the sky of mine 大雨落不停 t...
翻译版本(1)First of all, I am very honoured to come to your company to take part in the interview and I also thank the honoured company for giving me such an opportunity.翻译版本(2)In the first place, I feel much honored to come and take up the interviewed offered by ...
精懂英语的高手们来哦!!! 不要网上的翻译器翻译的! 我要准确的!如果写...
is different.I spent a alone life of junior high school.7.现在我要上高中了。虽然学习很忙,但是家人给了我一个自由又欢乐的生活,我很幸福。I'm joining the senior high school now.Although my study is very busy,my family give me a free and happy life,I feel very happiness....
Wine is one of the common drinks, which are also used in medicine and industry fields. What's more, some wine can even be used as health products.There are many various kinds of wine, and they are different in production process and sources. And the three most famous wine ...
the word "opium" brings with it great embarrassment and humiliation. Every single Chinese detests this word from the bottom of his heart. The result was that, when the cologne named "Opium" appeared on the chinese market, it met an unprecedented awkwardness. The Chinese strongly pr...
Don't think you had a temper, I had a temper too. Very fierce, very stingy too to have me. Don't bully me. I hit the person and ache very much!你除了敷衍几句,就没话和我说的了?你就只知道责备我,你自己不也是这样.电影都比我重要.You except perfunctory a few words, have...
From a purely self-interested point of view, importers may be concerned about the security and stability of supply of natural resources.从纯的利已的观点出发,进口国可能关心国家资源供应的安全和稳定.If important sectors of their economies are dependent on resource imports, then supply ...
security for costs system and compromise in deriving legal action with a lot of relevance problem such as removing the building-up telling judicial review system or not , bearing it as well as how to ascertain legal costs, is that the shareholder who interposes a speciality derives ...