
1、有些事,有些人,是不是如果你真的想忘记,就一定会忘记。 -

2、再见,也许永远不见。 -

3、我内心固执地追求,只有我自己看得见,但我希望我没错。 -

4、我常常在思索我们的青春,它真是一个奇形怪状的玩意儿,短短的身子偏偏拖了一个长长的尾巴,像翅膀一样招摇着,久久不肯离去。 -


1, some things, some people, is not if you really want to forget, we will certainly forget. -

2, good-bye, perhaps never to see. -

3 stubborn pursuit of my heart, only I see, but I hope I am not wrong. -

4, I often think of our youth, it is really a bizarre thing, but why drag the body just a long tail, a swagger like wings, a long time refused to leave. -

5, the most painful is that things disappear, it's gone forever, never to come back, but also chosen to leave a thin, pointed needles, has been stuck in your mind, do not have pull It wants you to hurt, you have to hurt
第1个回答  2010-09-28
翻译如下 1. Some things, some people, is not if you really want to forget, we will certainly forget.

2. Good bye, perhaps never to see.

3 .Stubborn pursuit of my heart, only I see, but I hope I am not wrong.

4. I often think of our youth, it is really a bizarre thing, but why drag the body just a long tail, a swagger like wings, a long time refused to leave.

5. The most painful thing is that things disappear, it's gone forever, never to come back, but also chosen to leave a thin, pointed needles, has been stuck in your mind, do not pull ,it wants you to hurt, you have to be hurt. 请看清答案,并不是和别人一样的内容。
第2个回答  2010-09-28
Some people or some things may never be forgotten, even if you try hard to forget.

Goodbye means to never meet again.

In my heart, I stubbornly pursue it, which only I can see. Hope I am right.

I often think about our youth. It's such an odd thing with a wield shape, a short body with a long tail swinging like a wing. It lingers, refusing to leave.

The hardest part is,once it disappears, it will be gone and never to return. Yet it will leave behind a thin and sharp needle stinging your heart, and the needle cannot be removed. This way if it wants to hurt you, you will feel the pain.