

1 moral and legal basis (credits: 3.0; income credits: 3) this course aims to help us establish a correct outlook on life, as well as a citizen shall have the moral accomplishment and should understand the basic law. To help us solve talents and historical mission, set up the correct outlook, forming good moral character, have become culture, ethics, have ideal, have discipline. Content: a new phase of life to understanding the life of university (characteristics, improve the ability of independent life, set up the new learning concept, cultivate fine style), we know the responsibility of contemporary college students (university of clear goals and mission), learning and practicing of the socialist core value system (how to improve the ideological and moral and legal basis)
2 and cross-cultural communication (credits: 2.0 credits: 2.0); from the teaching purpose of this course is to let students understand and compare English with Chinese national culture and the major in English, familiar with the values of the main differences, communicative way of intercultural communication master basic knowledge and skills, to help people in English speaking countries people contacts with how to avoid the likely due to cultural differences caused by all kinds of misunderstandings for successful cross-cultural communication. Content: culture, language, and the relationship between communication, communication, the main difference behaviors in major social relations and differences of name and title, the similarities and differences between English and Chinese is the main differences of nonverbal communication, chinese-english idioms and proverbs in common, slang, the euphemism and taboo words contrast
第1个回答  2010-09-01

十万火急most urgent

第2个回答  2010-09-02
(credits: 3.0; income credits: 3) this course aims to help us establish a correct outlook on life, as well as a citizen shall have the moral accomplishment and should understand the basic law. To help us solve talents and e correct outlook, forming good moral character, have become culture, ethics, have ideal, have of life to understanding the life of university (characteristics, improve the ability of and practicing of the socialist core value system (how to improve the ideological and moral and legal basis)
2 and cross-cultural communication (credits: 2.0 credits: 2.0); from the teaching purpose of this course is to let students understand and compare English with Chinese national culture and the major in English, familiar with the values of the main differences, communicative way of intercultural communication master basic knowledge and skills, to help people in English speaking countries people contacts with how to avoid the likely due to cultural differences caused by all kinds of misunderstandings for successful cross-cultural communication. Content: culture, language, and the relationship between communication, communication, the main difference behaviors in major social relations and differences of name and title, the similarities and differences between English and Chinese is the main differences of nonverbal communication, chinese-english idioms and proverbs in common, slang, the euphemism and taboo words contrast
第3个回答  2010-09-01
1 thought morality and law basis (credit: 3.0; Gains credit: And this 3.0) class aims at helping us to foster a correct outlook on life, the morality accomplishment ought to have as a citizen and the law basis ought to know. Help us to resolve relation easy to become a useful person with the historic mission, the culture setting up correct honour or disgrace watching , forming good morality , becoming to have, is with integrity , with lofty ideals, citizen with a strong sense of discipline. Mimicked content having: The new stage adapting to life (knows university life characteristic, the ability improving independent life , the idea studying , the good style of study) cultivating setting up the new, our responsibility (target knowing mission of the present age college student , making university's clear), 2, strides over the system (how to improve thought morality and the law basis) studying and trampling on row of socialism core value culture social intercourse (credit: 2.0; Gains credit: 2.0) the course teaching purpose is convention and values by trainee .know about and the main culture comparing China with the English country , is known main China-UK social intercourse way difference very well , is grasped to stride over culture social intercourse an ABC and artifice, a variety of helping everybody how to avoid may arouse because of culture differences in associating with English country personage thereby misunderstands, for the purpose of the social intercourse being in progress striding over culture successfully. Mimicked content having: Culture , language and the social intercourse relation, are hit by main west social intercourse behavior way difference , are hit by the west difference on handling main human relations in society, the Chinese-English full name and the appellation similarities and differences are parallel , the middle west must speak main social intercourse difference , Chinese-English is hit by the common idiom , proverb , slang , euphemism and taboo language contrast.


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