
In the end, it is the resource and public investment policies of the resource exporters that determines whether or not they are on a sustainable path. Nevertheless, developed countries are to a large extent reliant on foreign resources to support their domestic economies and, moreover, several of these countries — e.g. The Netherlands — have expressed concern over their demand for resource depletion in other countries. A var¬iety of motivations underlie this concern such as exter¬nalities associated with resource extraction (Bosch and Ensing, 1996). More broadly, resource-importing (developed) countries could be concerned about unsustainable behaviour on the part of resource-exporting (developing) countries for reasons both of self-interest and altruism.
From a purely self-interested point of view, importers may be concerned about the security and stability of sup¬ply of natural resources. If important sectors of their economies are dependent on resource imports, then supply shocks and price shocks are potentially quite damaging. Unsustainable behaviour on the part of resource exporters — overly rapid depletion of subsoil resources, for instance — creates risks for importers. Tracing the flows of natural resources in international trade and mea¬suring the degree of dependence on individual countries or regions may therefore be in the interest of developed countries.

In the end, it is the resource and public investment policies of the resource exporters that determines whether or not they are on a sustainable path. Nevertheless, developed countries are to a large extent reliant on foreign resources to support their domestic economies and, moreover, several of these countries — e.g. The Netherlands — have expressed concern over their demand for resource depletion in other countries.

A variety of motivations underlie this concern such as externalities associated with resource extraction (Bosch and Ensing, 1996). More broadly, resource-importing (developed) countries could be concerned about unsustainable behaviour on the part of resource-exporting (developing) countries for reasons both of self-interest and altruism.
种种动机使他们构成这种担心如资源开采的外部效应(Bosch 和Ensing,1996).更广泛地说,出于利已或利他主义,资源进口国(发达国家)会关心那些资源出品国(发展中国家)的不可持续行为.
From a purely self-interested point of view, importers may be concerned about the security and stability of supply of natural resources.

If important sectors of their economies are dependent on resource imports, then supply shocks and price shocks are potentially quite damaging.
Unsustainable behaviour on the part of resource exporters — overly rapid depletion of subsoil resources, for instance — creates risks for importers.
Tracing the flows of natural resources in international trade and measuring the degree of dependence on individual countries or regions may therefore be in the interest of developed countries.
第1个回答  2007-01-21
从根本上说,出口方的资源和公共投资政策决定了可持续发展的道路。 然而,发达国家本土经济在很大程度上依赖于国外资源,像新西兰这样一些国家。。。
第2个回答  2007-01-21
第3个回答  2007-01-21
到最后, 它是资源与资源的公共投资政策,决定出口商是否是一个可持续的道路. 尽管如此,发达国家在很大程度上依赖国外资源,以支持其国内经济,而且 数个国家-例如 荷兰-关注要求其他国家资源枯竭. 这种种动机理解与关怀等外部资源开采(博什、沟谷,1996年). 更广泛地说, 资源进口(发达)国家的行为无法可关注部分资源输出国家(发展)的原因,双方自我利益和利他. 从纯自我兴趣的角度来看, 进口商可以关心的安全和稳定供应的自然资源. 如果重要经济部门的依赖资源进口 然后供给冲击和价格冲击可能相当损害. 关于部分资源不可持续的行为出口商-心土资源耗竭过快, 比如-进口商造成风险. 追查流向自然资源和衡量国际贸易依存度将个别国家或地区的利益可能因此发达国家.