
Paddling (涉水;划水)out to catch the next wave at a competition in Christchurch

n. [航海] 宽叶短桨;桨状物;搅拌金矿的铁器,类似铁铲的工具;洗衣板,扁板
vi. 涉水;趟水;用桨划船;荡桨
vt. 用浆划动,用船桨推动(船只);搬运,运输;拍打;搅拌

划浆; 桨叶; 开关; 桨 复数:paddles 过去式:paddled 过去分词:paddled 现在分词:paddling 第三人称单数:paddles

1. N-COUNT 可数名词桨;短桨
A paddle is a short pole with a wide flat part at one end or at both ends. You hold it in your hands and use it as an oar to move a small boat through water.

We might be able to push ourselves across with the paddle.
...a piece of driftwood which he used as a paddle.

2. VERB 动词用桨划(船) If you paddle a boat, you move it through water using a paddle.

..the skills you will use to paddle the canoe.
...paddling around the South Pacific in a kayak.
3. VERB 动词玩水;涉水 If you paddle, you walk or stand in shallow water, for example at the edge of the sea, for pleasure.

Wear sandals when you paddle.
...a lovely little stream that you can paddle in.
Paddle is also a noun.
Ruth enjoyed her paddle.

Let's go for a paddle. 咱们去玩水吧。

2. Each man had a paddle for an hour and then a rest. 每个人划了一小时桨,然后休息。

3. Since her parents died early, she had to paddle her own canoe even in her teens. 因父母早亡,她十几几岁的时候就不得不自谋杀生计。

4. You control a paddle that hits balls against the wall. 你操纵开关使小球对着墙击去。

5. Children love to paddle at the beach. 孩子们喜欢在海滩嬉水。

6. They paddle their boat up the river. 他们划着小船往上游去了。

7. Work was done in turning the paddle wheel against the resistance of the water. 转动搅拌轮,克服水的阻力做功。

8. He dropped his paddle into the water, as if in consideration of a lover's haste. 他把手中的桨往水里一插,仿佛对这位多情郎急不可待的心情颇为理解。

9. I saw him with a woman in a duck paddle boat. 我看见他和一位女士同踏鸭掌舟。

10. You want me to bend over so you can smack me with that paddle? 你想让我弯下好让你用那板子打我?

11. If you got the guts to paddle out, how bad can the day really be? 你要勇于面对,那又能有多困难呢?

12. So I have to rebalance the boat so that you can paddle in the front. 那我不得不重新调整好这条船以便你们可以在船的前面划桨。

13. Each comb plate is a simple rectangular paddle composed of cilia. 每个栉板都是纤毛组成的矩形的桨。

14. The triangular paddle can be multiple paddled and multilayered allocated. 三角形桨叶可以多叶和多层配置。

15. Express paddle boats fled to a place of safety bars. 快划着小船逃到安全的地方吧。

16. Paddle blade should be turned flat for maximum visibility. 信号的方向指明最佳通过周围有障碍物急流的通道。

17. The competitors paddle over 500 m or 1,000 m, respectively (Olympic distances). 参赛者分别用浆行舟500到1000米。

18. Holding hands 'neath the paddle fans in Rick's Candle lit cafe. 恍惚身临其境牵着手如在吕克饭店。

19. Both the automatic and the dual-clutch transmissions feature steering wheel-mounted paddle shifters. 无论是自动和双离合器变速器功能方向盘式换档。

20. Production* T-HANDLE LATCH、PADDLE LATCH、GRAB HANDLE、Die-Casting、FORGING、PLASTIC AND RUBBER 、STAMPING PARTS、CNC、TRUCK HARDWARE ASSEMBLY. 生产项目*T型把手门闩、拉把式门闩、手把、压铸产品、锻造产品、塑胶及橡胶射出成形制品、冲压零件、CNC、各式五金零件组装、各式卡车零件。
第1个回答  2014-02-18
Paddling out是词组 意思是 (涉水;划水)而去。
第2个回答  2014-02-17
pad out 走出,出门的意思