
1. 独立完成生产成本核算。
 独立制作相关成本资料、归档、数据库建立和查询工作。
 主要负责对各成本费用科目进行归集分配,准确核算成本,核对库存帐。
 编制会计凭证,操作用于财务软件。
2.  建立账户,填制并复核记账凭证;完整及时登记相关明细账。
 进行账簿间的核对,做到账证、账账相符,报送财务报表。
 每月纳税申报、统计报表。
个 人 能 力: 取得会计电算化证,会计从业资格证。
 熟练操作EXCEL/WORD等办公软件;及使用用友、金蝶等财务软件。
 熟悉国家财务制度和相关政策法规,财务理论知识扎实。
 熟悉一般纳税人会计核算流程,及材料成本核算。
 具有独立完成工作的能力和团队协作精神,在高压力环境下工作的能力强。


1 Adjust the accounts for the cost of production by solely

Making relevant cost information ,filing, establishing database and inquiring by solely

mainly responsible for the accumulation and allocation of iterms of cost , do the costings accurately, checking off inventory account.
organizing accounting documents and operating should based on financial software

2.creating account, filling and making accounting voucher as well as re-checking it; fully register relevant subsidiary accounts in time

check account book one to one ,make sure the accounts and vouchers are keep in accordance,submits financial report
do tax declaration monthly, and gather statistics reports

personal abilities:
require accounting computerization certificate and Accounting Qualification Certificate

acquaint with Excel/Word office software and accounting software , YongYou or JinDie etc.

acquaint with State financial system and relevant rules,and has firm knowledge of financial theories

acquaint with general taxpayer financial accounting process and adjust accounts of material cost

possessing individual working ability and team working spirit, has strong ability of working under great pressure
第1个回答  2010-08-17
1.  independently of production cost accounting.
 independent production costs associated with data archiving, database creation and query work.
 mainly responsible for the cost of distribution Guiji subjects, accurate cost accounting, inventory checking account.
 preparation of accounting documents, the operation for the financial software.
2.  establish accounts, fill in and review of accounting documents; complete and timely registration of a breakdown associated.
 to check between the books, so that the accounts card accounts and consistent, submit the financial statements.
 monthly tax returns, statistical reports.
Individual ability: evidence obtained computerized accounting, accounting qualification certificate.
 Proficiency in EXCEL / WORD and other office software; and the use of UF and Kingdee financial software.
 familiar with the national financial system and relevant policies and regulations, solid knowledge of financial theory.
 familiar with the general taxpayer accounting processes, and material cost accounting.
 has the ability to work independently and team spirit, high pressure environment, ability to work.
第2个回答  2010-08-17

1. Complete the accounting of production cost independently.

Independently make relevant cost material, classify file, build and inquire database.

Mainly in charge with classifying and distributing of producion cost; account cost accurately; check the inventory account.

Work out accounting documents; operate accounting software.

2. Establish accounts; fill in and review accounting documents; completely and timely registrate relative accounts.

check accounts; submit financial statements.

Monthly tax returns, statistical reports.

Individual ability:obtained computerized accounting certificate and accounting qualification certificate.

Proficiency in EXCEL / WORD and other office software; the use of UF and Kingdee financial software.

Be familiar with the national financial system and relevant policies and regulations;has solid knowledge of financial theory.

Be familiar with the general taxpayer accounting processes, and material cost accounting.

Has the ability to work independently and team spirit,and ability of working in high pressure environment.
第3个回答  2010-08-20
1.  independently of production cost accounting.  independent production costs associated with data archiving, database creation and query work.  mainly responsible for the cost of distribution Guiji subjects, accurate cost accounting, inventory checking account.  preparation of accounting documents, the operation for the financial software. 2.  establish accounts, fill in and review of accounting documents; complete and timely registration of a breakdown associated.  to check between the books, so that the accounts card accounts and consistent, submit the financial statements.  monthly tax returns, statistical reports. Individual ability: evidence obtained computerized accounting, accounting qualification certificate.  Proficiency in EXCEL / WORD and other office software; and the use of UF and Kingdee financial software.  familiar with the national financial system and relevant policies and regulations, solid knowledge of financial theory.  familiar with the general taxpayer accounting processes, and material cost accounting.  has the ability to work independently and team spirit, high pressure environment, ability to work。