
请写一篇有关上海世博会的英语作文。 要求;1,世博会有利于世界对中国的认识,2,有利于加速中国的发展。3.有利于科学技术的交流4.字数在100-150字之间 (请写出后加上中文翻译,请尽量写的越接近高考的作文越好。在本人看后认为很好会增加悬赏的)

With great opportunities, World Exposition 2010 Shanghai is approaching. From my point of view, the World Exposition will benefit the development of China in three aspects. First, World Exposition is a global affair. People from around the world will gather in Shanghai and have a close look of China, so it is a good chance for foreign friends to know more comprehensively about China. Also, World Exposition will concentrate the world’s focus on China. The huge potential of China may attract foreign investments, broaden China’s market, and thus accelerate China’s development. What’s more, World Exposition is a best platform for communication. People can exchange their original ideas and experiences during the Expo, which will be beneficial to many fields, such as science, education, arts and so on. As a Chinese student, I’m eagerly looking forward to the coming Expo and firmly believe it will bring a brilliant future to China! (150) 带着机遇,2010年上海世博会正日益临近。在我看来,世博会将会从三个方面有利于中国的发展。 首先,世博会是世界盛事。来自世界各地的人们将会聚集上海,近距离看中国,所以对于外国朋友们来说那将是个好机会去更全面地了解中国。 而且,世博会将世界的目光聚焦于中国。中国的巨大潜力将吸引国外投资,拓展中国的市场,进而推动中国的发展。 并且,世博会是交流的最佳平台。人们在世博会期间能交流他们的创意和经验,这将对许多领域,比如科学,教育,艺术等,有所裨益。 作为一个中国学生,我热切期待着即将到来的世博会并坚信它将为中国带来灿烂的明天! (原创啊。。。不用高考这两天在家太无聊~~)
