for the first time和the first time和at the first time有什么区别?


For the first time 是adv 第一次,首次,第一次(做某事),做状语。
The first time 第一次。是从属连词,引导时间状语从句。
At the first time 接过去时,放在句首。指在第一次。
第1个回答  2010-08-01
for the first time和the first time均意为第一次,只是在句中的位置不同,一般for the first time放在句尾,the first time放在句头句尾都行~
at the first time意为起初~
第2个回答  2010-08-01
1.第一次(作状语)例:I fell in love with you for the first time.
2.第一次/第一时间 例:The first time i saw you is on....
第3个回答  推荐于2018-04-18

The first time he came, I knew what he wanted.
When he came for the first time, I knew what he wanted.
At the first time, I didn't know what he wanted.

for the first time 做时间状语,意思为第一次
the first time 做状语从句的连接词,放在从句前
at the first time 做时间状语,意思为起初本回答被提问者和网友采纳