




simon and his rescue dog——kelly.they are going to the western Turkey to resue the hunt people.Because there was happen a biggest ever recorded earthquake.kelly is a very special dog.

翻译:Simon 和他的救援犬 kelly 他们准备去土耳其西部重新起诉那里的人们,因为发生了有史以来最大的地震。


Del is a football player. His dad and friends are gave many pressure to Del.He was sick of this.on the contrary,his best friends,spanner are very love football,but heonly a reserve. 

On a important match, Del want to lost the match .But because it ,he mates was arrowed into him .lucky,spanner loyally to him. And Del gave the win change to spanner. spanner was a hero now .Del as well free by his father.

翻译:戴尔是个橄榄球运动员。他的父亲和朋友给了他很大的压力,他已经厌倦了这一切。相反,他最好的朋友,spanner 是非常喜欢足球的,但他只是个替补。在一场重要的比赛中,戴尔想输掉比赛。但正因为如此,他的伙伴们才会被抛弃。Lucky 忠诚的扳手。Del 把胜利的机会给了扳手。扳手现在是英雄了。戴尔也被他父亲解放了。


Petey is a domestic robot.One day I and sam found petey was very odd.Actually, he want to be a human.I and sam was support to him.But my mum found it and called the factory on the vid-phone.

we're on a escape.On the way ,petey in order to help sam, at last he was catched by connections squad van. At last ,my parents was followed petey.Now petey was travelled at the outer planet.

翻译:Petey 是个家庭机器人,有一天我和 sam 发现 petey 非常古怪,事实上,他想成为一个人类,我和 sam 支持他,但是我妈妈发现了。用视频电话给工厂打了电话。我们在逃亡途中 petey 为了救 sam 终于被救援队的货车抓住了。最后,我的父母被跟踪了,现在 petey 在外星球旅行。


Jack and Harry live in a war, one day, they save a dog in the plane bombing. They were trapped in a brewery. The dog got drunk and they kept looking for an exit. Finally they walked out. However, a bomb appeared in front of them. They endured the fear and waited until the bomb squad arrived.


第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-23
我只读了6 7 8 而已 可以吗??不管了,就给我一点分把!!
第6本:simon and his rescue dog——kelly.they are going to the western Turkey to resue the hunt people.Because there was happen a biggest ever recorded earthquake.kelly is a very special dog.
第7本:Del is a football player. His dad and friends are gave many pressure to Del.He was sick of this.on the contrary,his best friends,spanner are very love football.but heonly a reserve. On a important match, Del want to lost the match .But because it ,he mates was arrowed into him .lucky,spanner loyally to him. And Del gave the win change to spanner. spanner was a hero now .Del as well free by his father.
第8本:Petey is a domestic robot.One day I and sam found petey was very odd.Actually, he want to be a human.I and sam was support to him
.But my mum found it . and called the factory on the vid-phone.we're on a escape.On the way ,petey in order to help sam, at last he was catched by connections squad van. At last ,my parents was followed petey.Now petey was travelled at the outer planet.
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