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在我看来他在考虑问题时已经相当成熟, 他觉得青年人因该去更广阔的空间游历和学习,他觉得当人经历的风浪越多,人也就能变得跟为成熟,处理事情也能更冷静,他认为美国将会是一个更广阔的空间,是一个可以让他实现他艺术梦想的地方,所以他决定来美国留学拿到硕士学位。

第1个回答  2010-09-05
In my opinion, what he thought has been very mature, he thinks that the young should have more broader space to travel and study, he thinks that the more people experience, the more people will become mature,the more people will treatment with for things to be calm, he thinks the United States will be a broader space,which can let his dream come true, so he decided to study in the United States to get a master's degree.绝对是自己翻译的哦,不给最佳我会很伤心的!
第2个回答  2010-08-25
In my opinion he is considering the question was quite mature and he felt young people should go to a broader space travel and learn, he felt as the waves, the more people can get to the maturity, it can also be calm, he thought that the united states will be a wider space, is that one can he realize his dream of art, so he decided to come to american studying in get your master's degree.
第3个回答  2010-08-25
He is a young man with a mature way of thinking. And in his opinion, travel and study to a larger world is essential for a young man, the more experience he is, the wiser and calmer he will be. US is just the world where he can make his art dream come ture. So he decides to study for his master degree to US.
第4个回答  2010-08-25
It seems to me that he would consider these issues is quite mature, and he felt that young people go more room for travel and learning, he felt that when people experience more storms, people can become with a mature deal with things also can be more calm, he thought the United States will be a wider space, is an art of him to realize his dream of a place, so he decided to get a master\u0026#39;s degree study in the United States本回答被提问者采纳