

1st May 2009(2009年5月1日) (你的名字)
Today is the Labour Day so that we have the holiday. 今天是五一劳动节所以我们放假 I can go out without study.我可以出去不用学习 In the morning I went to climb the mountain with my parents.早上我和父母去爬山 I was so exciting. 我很兴奋 The air in the mountain was so fresh.山上的空气如此新鲜 I like to play basketball so I went to play basketball at 2.00pm.我喜欢打篮球所以我下午2点去打篮球 The night time came soon.夜晚很快到来 I asked my father to swin after dinner.晚饭后我邀请爸爸一起游泳 Now I'm going to the beg and writing my diary.现在我正准备去睡觉,正在写我的日记 Today I'm very happy.今天我很开心 Good night everyone.大家晚安
第1个回答  2010-08-28
My future
I am a dance scholar, and graduated two years will be. I dream to become an outstanding scientist of the dance, to dedicate my life to the stage. I love the dance from an early age, so efforts to enter has been longing for my dance school. Now about to graduate, I hope to continue learning, I will dance for life fully prepared。本回答被提问者采纳