把下面的句子翻译成英语, 1、你是在北京上大学吗? 2、我在任何新城市找地方都有很大困难。


1、Are you studying in Beijing University?
2、I have big difficulties in looking for the places in any new city.
3、Since several pages in this book are missing, can I change it for another one?
4、It occurred to me that I saw him somewhere before.
5、Have you found the thick book that you lost?
6、As a student,you can not be too particular about food and clothes.
第1个回答  2010-08-26
1.Are you in college in Beijing?
2.I have very big difficulty in finding places in any new cities.
3.There are several pages absent in this book.Could you please change another one for me?
4.I suddenly remember that I have seen him at some place.
5.Have you found that lost thick book ?
6As a student,you should not pay much attention to corporeal life.
第2个回答  2010-08-23
1.You are in Beijing university?
2.I find places in new city is very difficult!