c++编程题的要求之中有这么一句话comment out the code for comments output and debug,求翻译?

c++编程题的要求之中有这么一句话comment out the code for comments output and debug,求翻译是什么意思?

大体的意思 是 为了更好的理解输出结果以及调试,要在代码的必要地方添加上注释。
第1个回答  2020-03-07
第2个回答  2014-05-26
第3个回答  2014-05-26

C++编程题:编写一个程序,由用户输入一个含有5个单词的英文句子,按照用 ...
print "The word is:\\t$words[$num-1]\\n";===CODE===

c语言编程中 报错 stray '\\161'in progtam 是什么意思
直接从网上拷贝代码贴到Dev C++中会经常遇到 stray \\161 in program 错误,其实问题出在代码中掺入了一些不合法的空格(全角空格),把每行代码后的空格删掉即OK了!C语言错误对照表:1. Ambiguous operators need parentheses — 不明确的运算需要用括号括起 2. Ambiguous symbol xxx — 不明确的符号 3. Argument l...

跪求c++编程题目啊 设计一个体育彩票的投彩和开奖过程
void GenerateCodes(int code[]){ int n,i,j;int m = maxCode - minCode;code[0] = rand() % m + minCode;for(i=1;i<7;i++){

for(long i = 0; i < index; i ++) cout << " "; for(unsigned long j = 0; j < strlen(search_string.c_str());j ++) cout << "^"; } cout << endl;}Error_code Editor::change_line(){ Error_code result = success; cout << "What text segment do you want to replace?" <<...

C++编程 存入N个同学的成绩表(学号,姓名 成绩),输入学好或姓名 ,查找...
\/* the program should never reach here *\/ return -1;} void menu_add_student(){ Student* pStudent = NULL;int nCnt = 0;int nPos = 0;while (MAX_NUM > nCnt){ printf("第%d个同学的记录:", nCnt + 1);pStudent = &students[nCnt];scanf("%s", pStudent->szName);for ...

* Three of these tables, the initial permutation, the final * permutation and the expansion operator, are regular enough that * for speed, we hard-code them. They're here for reference only. * Also, the S and P boxes are used by a separate program, gensp.c, * to build the ...

3. GitHub:全球最大的开源社区,拥有大量的C编程开源项目和,以及程序员之间的交流与分享,每天都有新的代码推送和贡献者。4. CodeChef:专注于算法竞赛和编程挑战的,其中包括大量的C编程挑战和竞赛题目,每月都会定期更新。5. Programiz:专注于编程教育的,其中有大量的C教程和示例,可以帮助初学者快速入门和提高编程能力...

free(code_value);\/*** Now open the files for the expansion.*\/ lzw_file=fopen("test.lzw","rb"); output_file=fopen("test.out","wb"); if (lzw_file==NULL || output_file==NULL) { printf("Fatal error opening files.\\n"); return 1; };\/*** Expand the file.*\/ expand(lzw_file...

HANDLE out=GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); SetConsoleCursorPosition(out, a);} void SetPos(int i, int j)\/\/ set cursor{ COORD pos={i, j}; SetPos(pos);} void HideCursor(){ CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cursor_info = {1, 0}; SetConsoleCursorInfo(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), &cursor_info...

* TODO To change the template for this generated file go to* Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates*\/import java.math.BigInteger;import java.io.InputStream;import java.io.OutputStream;import java.io.FileInputStream;import java.io.FileOutputStream;import java.io.FileNot...
