

Title: Tour schedule.
Hello xxx,
I'm very pleased to know you'll arrive in two days by British Airway. Your stay and tour schedule are arranged as follow:
You will be picked up at the Beijing International Airport in the morning at the day you arrive, and lifted to your hotel. In the afternoon, I will show you around near the hotel.
We will go to visit the Summer Palace and Thirteen Tombs on the next day.
Visiting the Great Wall is arranged at the third day.
We will visit the Forbidden Palace and Tianmen Sq on the fourth day, including shopping street near by.
Because you only have a week long in China , I don't think you have time to visit other city. So we can walk and look around the streets and old houses in Beijing and go to museums in the remaining days.
Please let me know if the schedule is OK for you.
See you at the airport.