

Dear classmates: today I want to say is Protect environment speech, the topic is "Protect environment is not pushed the responsibility" let us think, ever since the birth of mankind, all food and shelter and production, life which was opened the environment we live, we live in on earth, but earth is not our survival, and many plant and animal species, the survival of all living things, and which was opened the atmosphere on the earth, forest, ocean, rivers, soil, grassland Xiang? The earth is composed of all the biological composition of the perplexing and close the natural ecosystem, which is the basic environment for human survival. However, Protect environment speech, is the way for human survival environment, but always be damaged by their own humanity. The process of human civilization has been stranded in the conquest of nature plunder, but never thought of giving protection and return to feed humans of earth, our mankind has made brilliant achievements of civilization at the same time, plundering of nature makes the earth we live everywhere scars, increased population growth and production activities, but also the impact on the environment, to bring pressure on the environment. Earth once lose the ecological balance on earth today is facing many environmental problems, such as climate warming, the depletion of the ozone layer, acid rain, toxic waste, wildlife extinction, and air, water pollution and so on, these are to make human a headache thing, protect the environment of the speech, a recommendation of the primary security speech. Protect environment, everybody has a responsibility.My speech is finished, thank you.追答

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