
7. Triggers
Last but least, you need to learn about triggers. Triggers are similar to stored procedures in that they are groupings of SQL statements. The major difference is how triggers are executed. Triggers are executed when a row is inserted, updated, or deleted from a table, depending on how the triggers were created. Triggers are a powerful way to enforce business rules when data is modified. A single table can have up to three different triggers on it. You can have a trigger that fires when an UPDATE occurs, one that fires when an INSERT occurs, and one that fires when a DELETE occurs. Triggers can be a way that the SQL Server automates business processes. For example, when an author has sold enough books to cover the advance that the publishing company paid, a trigger could be used to automatically begin calculating the royalty payments. Triggers fire after the record has been successfully modified in the table. If the modification fails because of a syntax error or constraint violation, the trigger is not fired.
You need to be aware of one point of caution when dealing with triggers. Although triggers can be very powerful, they can also be very damaging to the performance of your server. Be very careful that you do not try to put too much functionality into your triggers because it will slow down response and can really frustrate your users.


goolge 的在线翻译 不太清楚 将就着看吧.
第1个回答  2006-11-18


