

Stop Spice Girls 的歌 You just walk in, I make you smile It's cool but you don't even know me You take an inch, I run a mile Can't win you're always right behind me And we know that you could go and find some other Take or leave it or just don't even bother Caught in a craze, it's just a phase or will this be around forever And we know that you could go and find some other Take or leave it 'cause we've always got each other You know who you are and yes, you're gonna breakdown You're crossed the line so you're gonna have to turn around Don't you know it's going to fast Racing so hard you know it won't last Don't you know, what can't you see Slow it sown, read the sign so you know just where you're going Stop right now, thank you very much I need somebody with the human touch Hey you always on the run Gotta slow if down baby, gotta have some fun Do do ... always be together Ba da ... stay that way forever Gotta keep it down honey, lay your back on the line 'Cause I don't care about the money Don't be wasting my time You need less speed, get off my case You gotta slow it down baby, just get out of my face 你只需走进来,我会让你欢笑 这确实挺酷但你却还不了解我 你只动了一英寸,我跑了一英里 赢不了的你总是紧紧跟在我后面 而且我们知道你能够去找些别的人(暗示了“你”开始让我厌恶,我不想你跟在我后边) 接受或离去或不要来烦扰 卷进一种狂热,这只是一个阶段 或许这会永远地持续下去 而且我们知道你能够去找些别的人(暗示了“你”开始让我厌恶,我不想你跟在我后边) 接受或离去,因为我们总是在不知不觉中成为对方 你起码还知道自己是谁,以及是的,你就快要崩溃了 你越过了自己的跑道所以你将不得不转身回去 你难道不知道这一切都变得太快 跑得这么吃力的你知道自己不会落在最后 你难道不知道,有的东西你看不见 把速度减下来,看清楚路标你才能知道 自己正在去哪 马上停下来,非常感谢 我想要个有人情味的人 嘿,你总是在奔跑 慢下来吧宝贝,去享受欢乐 嘟嘟...总是在一起 吧吧…就这样永远在一起 安静下来吧亲爱的,在你的跑道上躺下来 因为我不在意那些钱,但不要白费我的时间 你需要减速,跟我的一切脱离 你要慢下来宝贝,最好从我眼前消失
第1个回答  2014-07-13
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