


一、 本次会议的内容
• 非常适合您的客户群

• 比较适合您的客户群

• 不适合您的客户群

二、 此次研讨会以前,您所请到的客户对可耐福的了解是

• 所有人都知道 • 大部分人知道

• 小部分人知道 • 比较陌生

三、 您的客户对可耐福的了解是 (多选)

• 公司介绍 • 技术服务 • 系统产品

• 隔墙(吊顶)系统 • 不开裂系统

• 其他 (请注明)

四、 此次研讨会您认为满意的地方是

• 会场布置 • 产品样品的展示

• 模型 • 公司标识

• 技术介绍(讲师的能力) • 技术介绍(讲师讲解的内容)

• 安装工程实例 • 宣传海报

五、 此次研讨会您认为不满意的地方是

• 会场布置 • 产品样品的展示

• 模型 • 公司标识

• 技术介绍(讲师的能力) • 技术介绍(讲师讲解的内容)

• 安装工程实例 • 宣传海报

六、 您希望以什么形式召开技术研讨会

• 授课形式 • 授课与实操结合

• 开放讨论 • 现场讲解

• 答辩会形式

七、 您认为可耐福讲师的能力

• 专业能力强 • 表达能力强
• 沟通好 • 专业知识有待提高

• 表达能力欠佳 • 欠缺沟通

八、 您认为这种形式的研讨会召开频率

• 每年1次 • 每年2次 • 每年3次以上
九、 您目前正在追踪的项目有没有派人参加本次研讨会

• 有 • 没有
十、您对技术介绍的内容有何意见? (请填写)




• 经理 • 经销商

To enhance the effect KNAUF technical seminars, technical seminars tracking technology services,KNAUF Technology participated in the seminar, please do an evaluation of our services.for you so that we can provide better advice and service.1.The content of this meeting is very suitable • • suit your customer base, your customer base, your customer base is not suitable • 2.This seminar beforeYou are invited to the customer's understanding of Knauf everybody knows • • • Most people know that a small group of people who know relatively unfamiliar • 3Knauf your understanding of the customer (the election) • • technical services company • • wall system products (ceiling) system is not cracking system • • Other (please specify) 4.What do you think of this seminar is satisfied with the sample products • • venue would display company logos • • • Model Technology (lecturer capacity) • Technology (lecturer on the content) • • example of the installation of five posters,What do you think of this seminar is not satisfied with the sample products • • venue would display company logos • • • Model Technology (lecturer capacity) • Technology (lecturer on the content) • • example of the installation of six posters.What form do you expect to hold seminars to teach • • delivery combined with the practical operation of the open-ended discussion • • • reply form of seven on the scene,What do you think Knauf lecturers • • expressed strong professional ability. good communication • • • The need to upgrade the professional knowledge of the lack of communication and expression poor • 8Do you think this kind of an annual event held in frequency • • • 2 per year over nine three times a year.You are not currently tracking items sent to participate in this seminar • • No 10.Do you have any views on the introduction of technology?(Please fill in) 11, the preparatory work for this seminar is your opinion?(Please fill in) 12, what are your plans for the timing of this seminar?(Please fill in) very grateful, we will promptly improve your views, in order to enhance the effectiveness of other seminars.• • Manager : ______________ sign feedback dealers