
不要下载的 要的是人教版的英语最好有仁爱英语的介词习题

( ) 1. China lies _______ the east of Asia and ______ the north of Australia.
A. to; to B. in; to C. to; in D. in; on
( ) 2. ______ the afternoon of March 8, the women in the city had a big party.
A. To B. In C. At D. On
( ) 3. We all agree _______ you. Let’s start at once.
A. to B. for C. with D. on
( ) 4. Where’s Lily? We are all here _______ her.
A. besides B. about C. except D. with
( ) 5. Does your father go to work, _______ foot or _______ bike?
A. on; with B. with; on C. by; on D. on; by
( ) 6. Lucy was _______ duty yesterday, but she forgot to clean the classroom.
A. in B. on C. at D. of
( ) 7. Timmy goes to school _______ every day. It’s 5 minutes’ walk from his home to school.
A. in a bus B. by plane C. on foot D. by boat
( ) 8. Mum, today is Mother’s Day. Mike and I want to invite you to have dinner _______ us at Shanghai Restaurant, which is famous _______ its seafood.
A. with; of B. with; for C. for; to D. to; for
( ) 9. He has got a chair to sit _______, but nobody to talk _______.
A. on; to B. /; with C. on; / D. /; to
( ) 10. Jack has studied Chinese in this school _______ the year of 2000.
A. since B. in C. on D. by
( ) 11. –How are you going to the train station to meet your aunt?
--I’m going there _______ my car.
A. by B. in C. to D. on
( ) 12. Andy often helps her mother ________ the housework on Sunday afternoon.
A. to B. with C. for D. of
( ) 13. –You’d better not go out now. it’s raining.
--It doesn’t matter. My new coat can keep _______ rain.
A. in B. of C. with D. off
( ) 14. English is widely used ________ travelers and business people all over the world.
A. to B. for C. as D. by
( ) 15. My sister usually thinks _______ her own language first. Then she turns her words into English.
A. by B. in C. with D. through
( ) 16. –It’s kind _______ you to come to see me.
--It’s a pleasure. You were so kind _______ me.
A. of; with B. for; with C. of; to D. for; to
( ) 17. –Is the manager in?
--Sorry, he is out. But he will be back _______ three o’clock.
A. in B. on C. until D. before
( ) 18. _______ the age of fifteen, she had written scores of articles for a newspaper.
A. At B. Before C. Since D. By
( ) 19. In China, the price of TV sets has been reduced ________ 30% in the last three years.
A. on B. by C. with D. for
( ) 20. When you called on me, I was _______ a visit to Mr Smith.
A. on B. at C. in D. to
( ) 21. –Bob, you are wanted _______ the phone. –Thanks a lot.
A. on B. by C. of D. for
( ) 22. The soil is made _______ the dead leaves of the trees.
A. up of B. of C. from D. by
( ) 23. I didn’t have any breakfast _______ a cup of milk.
A. besides B. except for C. except D. for
( ) 24. We’re sure you’ll be famous _______ a writer before long.
A. as B. for C. with D. by
( ) 25. The writer often sat up far into the night working _______ a new novel.
A. for B. on C. with D. in
( ) 26. You look tired. ________ working indoors you should be out for a walk.
A. Ahead of B. Instead of C. In front of D. In spite of
( ) 27. You must stand _______ line when you are waiting _______ a bus.
A. on; in B. in; for C. in; on D. on; for
( ) 28. Man landed on the moon in 1969 for the first time. Have you ever heard ______ it?
A. on B. to C. of D. from
( ) 29. It’s very nice ______ you to get me two tickets _______ the World Cup.
A. for; of B. of; for C. to; for D. of; to
( ) 30. The woman feels worried _______ her sick baby.
A. for B. to C. on D. about
( ) 31. –What do you think of the report on the UFOs?
--Great! Many students were interested in it and they kept on standing ______ the end of the meeting.
A. until B. in C. at D. by
( ) 32. Have you got any books _______ science?
A. at B. about C. of D. in
( ) 33. She likes reading _______ many different subjects.
A. of B. at C. on D. in
( ) 34. Mr Wang is very strict. His students are afraid _______ him.
A. at B. of C. about D. to
( ) 35. This story happened _______ the last few years.
A. at B. since C. during D. for
( ) 36. We should do something to stop sandstorms ______ happening again and again.
A. from B. on C. by D. to
( ) 37. China became a WTO member _______ December 11th , 2001.
A. on B. in C. at D. of
( ) 38. There’s a smile on her face. I think she’s _______ my work.
A. sorry for B. worried about C. pleased with D. afraid of
第1个回答  2010-06-03