
我英语书忘带了,谁能把人教版 第二册上,就是高二上英语unit9的单词发上来啊,要有中文解释的,但只要其中一个解释就够了..真是谢谢啦..5555555555..老师要我们抄单词~~~!!
还有,是从ecology到advise sb not to do sth.最好是学生发,这样保险点..

Words and Expressions
vt 发行,发表,发出
~ the magazine weekly;
发给,配给 (give out)
~ guns to the soldiers
n 刊物;发行物
Have you seen the latest ~ of the magazine?
问题,争论之点 :
political issues 政治问题
social issues 社会问题
summarise / summarize vi / vt
概括, 总结
= make a summary n.
= sum up
Eg. 1) The chairman summarized the discussion in a few words.
2) Let’s summarise what we have learnt today.
content n. 内容,要旨,目录,容量
1) I didn’t understand the content of her speech. (要旨)
2) Try to look through the contents of a book before buying it. (目录)
content adj. 满足的, 满意的, 甘愿的
be content with sth = be satisfied with
be content to do sth = be willing to do
1) Don’t be content with small success.
2) He is not content to be a worker all his life.vt. 使……满足
content sb / oneself with sth
An ice cream is enough to content the child.
We should never content ourselves with book knowledge.
access n.
接近,进入 = approach
接近 / 进入的方法,
access to 有权使用
gain access to 接近take part in ( activity / game ) = join in
join ( the army / party / a club )
join sb in (doing) sth ( game)
attend ( meeting / class / school

stress vt. = emphasize 着重 / 强调
1) He stressed the importance of education at the meeting.
2) She stressed that she wasn’t going to help.
responsibility n. 责任(心),职责
take / bear / accept responsibility for ……
take action 采取行
take measure(s) 采取措施
put …in / into action / practice 实施

willingness n. 愿意, 心甘情愿
( adj ) willing
be willing to do 很愿意做…harmony n. 协调,和谐,和睦
The harmony of sea and sky makes a beautiful picture.
in harmony 和睦地,和谐地
in harmony with 与……协调 / 一致

wipe vt. 擦,揩
Please ________________ ( 擦黑板) before classes.
2) ________________ ( 擦掉眼泪) and don’t be afraid.
wipe out 擦洗……的内部,去除,消灭
1) Doctors are trying to wipe out such a disease
2) He tried to wipe out the memory of his former girlfriend.
defend vt 防卫,保卫,为……辩护
defend sb./sth. from 保护某人/物免遭……
defend sb./sth. against 保卫某人抵御……

We should defend the earth from being polluted.
Soldiers defend our country against the enemy.
affect vt 影响/感动
Smoking affects health. (病)侵袭.
Heroes’ deeds affected us deeply/greatly.
=We were greatly affected by …
Xiaohua is affected/ infected with AIDS.
>> effect n. 结/效果,作用
cause and effect 因果
take effect 生效 =come into effect
He tried many times but has no effect.
The new law will____________ next month.

have an effect on 对…有效果/影响
第1个回答  2006-11-19