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China's Top Ten advantages of eating habits -

First, China's daily consumption of fresh vegetables much more than Americans, although Americans daily intake of protein, but because of gastrointestinal function be affected by eating too little fiber, and therefore the prevalence of digestive system cancer rate much higher than China.

Second, Chinese people like to eat coarse grains, while the Americans prefer fine white powder and other refined grains. In fact, coarse grains contain more nutrients than refined grains.

Third, the Chinese love to eat vegetable oil, and Americans like to use cooking with high cholesterol and animal fat, in addition to a daily intake of butter also. No wonder Americans have a high incidence of cardiovascular disease.

Fourth, China's urban and rural residents are hi soy milk, tofu, bean sprouts and other soy products, while Americans often "at arm's length."

5, the Chinese meal, welcoming all brew a cup of tea. Tea can reduce blood cholesterol levels, on the contrary, Americans drink coffee hi, there may increase blood lipids and stimulate the heart.

6, complete meal, the Chinese love to eat fruits and points, while Americans tend to add a sub-sweets. More interest than the sweet fruits of natural health.

7, most Chinese families used to buying fresh food every day, while a large number of American hi-time purchase from the supermarket, and then to eat frozen food. Americans eat canned food (including all kinds of unhealthy chemical additives), and cured foods (containing many possible carcinogen) were Chinese, 15 times and 6 times.

8, more rich Chinese Dishes auspicious color, dinner, bless each other that if graduates are often happy meal, chord relax.

Nine, the Chinese use chopsticks to spend dozens of hours of muscle and more than 10 root joint, thus the name "Fitness" is not an exaggeration. 10, the Chinese meal love vinegar, ginger, garlic, onions, peppers and other condiments, can play sterilization, Cellulite, increase appetite, help digestion and other effects.

American eating habits have ten advantages -

First, the amount Americans salt cooking is only half of the Chinese people, but too much salt intake in old age may lead to various diseases.

Second, Americans do not love cooking, MSG - monosodium glutamate sodium, excessive intake of harmful to health.

Third, the Americans put the cooking oil cooking less than the Chinese.

4, American Dining System is a combined natural food than the Chinese system of health.

5, the Americans do not eat liver, kidney and other viscera, animal offal, without exception, with high levels of cholesterol.

6, the U.S. housewife does not like to use soy pan fire, kitchen ventilation conditions are better, so avoid inhaling fumes from a large number of prone to cause lung cancer.

7, American hi day more meals than the Chinese, only two-day, three meals a science.

8, American Hi steamed food (less nutrients destruction), while China prefer stir-fried (destroy more nutrients).

9, the Americans do not like festivals or treat overeating, this is the Chinese people eat and drink in sharp contrast.

10, if the eating habits of smoking included in the broad sense, then, Americans in increasing smokers, contrary to the Chinese people still smoking as a "fashionable."