
座天使周日,用英语写出你及你的家人这一天的主要活动。要求用一般过去时,字数60以上。本人必重谢!!最好有 附上中文


One of my

我的爸爸在公证会计师事务所工作, 性格十分温和, 很疼爱我。 我爸爸爱好看英文版的中国日报, 平时一看就是一两个小时。 有一次, 爸爸在阁楼上读报, 我轻手轻脚地走上了楼梯, 可爸爸一点儿也没有察觉。 我又悄悄地碰了他一下, 他的身子一抖, 是乎吓了一跳。 爸爸回头一看, 是我, 便笑着对我说:“ 上来干嘛! 快下楼学英语去。” 瞧,我爸看英语报多认真! 怪不得老爸的英语水平那么高。 有时, 他还用英语和我们对话, 我们听了目瞪口呆, 爸爸便大笑起来, 我们也跟着哈哈大笑。

My dad in the notary public accounting firms work, personality is very gentle, very love me. My father love watching the english-language China Daily, usually a see be a two hour. Once, my father read the newspaper in the attic, I stole on the stairs, but father don didn't notice. I also quietly touch him once, his body a shake, who is a scare. Dad looked back, it's me, then he smiled and said to me: "up why! Quick come downstairs to learn English to." Look, my dad see how serious English newspaper! No wonder the old daddy's English level so high. Sometimes, he also in English and we dialogue, we listened to gape, dad burst out laughing/in laughter, we also follow to laugh.

妈妈在一家外资企业工作, 有一个大嗓门。 她很有学问。 有一次期中考试前, 她给我复习功课, 我的语文、 数学总分居然位于全班第二。 中国对加入世界杯, 她就成了一个球迷, 几乎每场球赛, 她都看过了。 有一次, 妈妈正在干家务活, 忽然听到电视机里传出了“ 马上是英格兰队阿根廷对的比赛” 的声音,妈妈立即放下手中的家务活, 一屁股坐在沙发上, 聚精会神地看足球比赛, 她认为英格兰队一点儿也不厉害。 后来, 贝克汉姆一个点球射进了, 妈妈大喊大叫:“ 怎么让他们进球了!” 害得我睡也睡不着, 只好用被子蒙住头, 谁叫她是我妈妈呢!

My mother in a foreign investment enterprise, has a loud voice. She's knowledge. Once the mid-term exams, she gave me to review the lessons, my Chinese, maths scores in the class that the second. China joined the World Cup, she became a fan, almost all the game, she had seen. Once, my mother was doing housework, suddenly heard television came "immediately is the England team in Argentina game" voice, mother immediately put down the housework, a bottom to sit on sofa, deeply absorbed in watching football games, she thinks England is not a bit much. Later, David Beckham, a penalty shoot into, mother Shouting: "how to make their goal!" Harm I sleep also can not sleep, have to use the quilt cover head, who call she is my mother!

我嘛, 爱好英语、 书法、 小提琴和电脑。 有时, 我在家拉小提琴, 爸爸妈妈永远是我忠实的听众。

Well, like English, calligraphy, the violin and the computer. Sometimes, I play the violin at home, mom and dad is always my listeners.


This is my sweet a.