

First,open www.qq.com,then click "QQ软件"which is on the top-left of the website,near 通信button ,the second one ,find "QQ2011正式版" on the page (the first item),click “下载"which is on the right of the item.to download the software.then click "立即下载" on the new page(on a green button).AND you'll have a qq software.

To have a qq ID ,go back to www.qq.com ,and click "号码"which is on the top-left of the website,near 通信button ,the sixth one.the fill the blank on the new page.Write your nickname in the first blank,and your password in the second blank,in the third blank you should enter your password again.The fourth one is to select your sex(the first one is man).Choose your birthday on the fifth line.And where you are on the sixth line which isn't necessary.then enter what the picture on the right show you in the seventh blank.AND click 立即注册below it.
Then you have a qq ID

第1个回答  2012-01-20
有国际版的QQ,你不妨可以告诉他说download a intertational version, which is english version,他会很方便的,里面都是英文的,就不用自己给他解释了啊
第2个回答  2012-01-20