The dining room fell silent.
„What‟s the matter, dear?‟ said King Harry. Princess Jane let out a great long sigh.
„Mum‟s right. I‟m not playing very well. I‟m supposed to score goals. At the moment I couldn‟t score against a mouse.‟
‟On you head, Jane,‟ called King Harry and he threw the ball at the Princess. She jumped at the ball. The ball bounced off her shoulder into the marmalade.
„See what I mean?‟ she said sadly.
„Never mind,‟ said King Harry. „By the time you‟ve put your kit on, Mr Goal will be here. You‟ll soon be scoring dozens of goals. But now it‟s time for us to get to work.‟
King Harry, Captain Smith and Captain Jones loved doing housework. Queen Norah thought that housework was a job for cleaners, not captains and kings. So once a week the three men disguised themselves as the Masked Cleaning Ladies of Om.
King Harry and his two captains raced out of the dining room. Minutes later, dusters in hands, and dressed as the famous cleaning ladies, they were at work tidying the castle.
King Harry and Captain Jones were polishing the cannons when they saw a man walking towards the castle.
„That must be Mr Goal,‟ said Captain Jones.
Just as Mr Goal reached the drawbridge another man jumped out of the bushes. He began talking with Mr Goal.
„Wait a minute,‟ said King Harry. „It‟s King Charles of Carrot Castle.‟
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或者翻译这一段,请不要用机器翻译,好的追加50分左右There was a oproblem at the castle. The royal cleaner give up.Queen Norah told the rest of the royal family.For a start cannot have your friends round here.Because they make too much mess.K... 展开 作文小组 | 浏览13249 次 问题未开放回...
Cheating isn’t good. Just practice hard and tell yourself: hard work always pays off while cheating does no good.
6:西蒙和搜救犬 - kelly.they土耳其西部的resue的狩猎people.Because的有史以来规模最大的的低earthquake.kelly记录是一个非常特殊的狗。7:本德尔是一名足球运动员。他的父亲和朋友,的压力Del.He生病this.on,相反,他最好的朋友,扳手,非常爱football.but的heonly储备。一个重要的比赛中,德尔输掉了...
so that she will pass to the Carrot Castle's team instead of King Harry’s team. The Masked Cleaning Ladies find a way changed the shirts from the two teams each other. In the end, King Harry’s team Six nil win. They were very happy 典范英语6-9 The Masked Cleaning Ladi...
典范英语6 蒙面清洁女工反败为胜 全文翻译
好的。诺拉女王说,她唱道,我们将会赢得奖杯,我们将会赢得奖杯,哦,哦 ,再见,我们将会赢得奖杯。这次怎么样?好多了,陛下。(对国王王后的尊称)比利叹了口气说,但是一定要 一定要什么?诺拉女王打断道。好吧,比利说。如果听起来高兴点就更好了。问题在于这首歌,诺拉女王说。歌词太没劲了。
“6:0,6:0,6:0,”诺拉王后喊道,“噢,做得好!”“我们为你自豪,简,”哈利国王笑道。“进了全部六个球。”“这多亏了我的训练师,Goal先生,”简说道 。“我必须向她展示奖杯。”“今天不行,”诺拉王后说。“路程太远奖杯会被弄脏。没有人能看到奖杯直到那些清洁女工给奖杯擦洗一番。”“好的,亲爱的,...
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