香港 英文
香港 英文介绍如下:Hong Kong。中国特别行政区)。关于香港的资料 1、香港全称香港特别行政区,是中华人民共和国的两个特别行政区之一。它由位于珠江口、南中国海上的香港岛,与中国大陆连接的九龙半岛和新界地区,以及附近的235个小岛组成。东北部东平洲以北海域及北部深圳河对岸就是广东省的...
有关香港的英文介绍还要有汉语翻译 不用太长 介绍以下面积人口 位置...
Hong Kong is a busy city. It has various nationalities living in there, this makes Hong Kong become a more thriving and prosperous place.Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated areas in the world, it has a population around 7.089 million and 1,104.3 sq. km.area. ...
分三段,第一段概况介绍,第二段介绍香港的著名之处,第三段介绍香港的城市交通。很简单了,再少文字就没办法写了。 本回答由提问者推荐 举报| 评论(3) 127 18 gujianhan 采纳率:62% 擅长: 英语翻译 贸易 民俗传统 诗歌 外语学习 为您推荐: 介绍香港的英语作文 喜欢香港的英文作文 香港介绍 英文 关于香...
Hongkong is in the east of China, known as the 'Oriental Pearl' reputation. Into the Hongkong India into the eyes of the world's longest Tsing Ma Bridge, it was like a silver dragon lying on Lantau island. A beautiful castle, the Disneyland, was built on the island. Where ...
HK是两个字母组合,代表香港的英文简称。香港是一个特别行政区,位于中国南部。下面详细介绍HK代表的含义及背景。1. HK作为香港的简称 HK是英文“Hong Kong”的缩写,直接对应中文的“香港”。这一简称在国际交流中被广泛使用,特别是在航空、航海、交通等领域。2. 香港的历史地位...
as well as some other islands.Hong Kong became a dependent territory of the United Kingdom for 99 years and remained to the People's Republic of China in on 1 July 1997.Hong Kong is one of the asia's leading traveling capitals, named shopping heaven.参考资料:MINE ...
principally from the seafronts of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon.Area: 1097 sq km (423.6 sq miles).Population: 6,687,200 (1998).Population Density: 6,096 per sq km.Time Zone Time: GMT + 8.Hong Kong is 13 hours ahead of New York, 14 hours ahead of Chicago, and 16 hour...
麻烦用英文介绍一下香港 内容就普通一点,别太专业,要英文,语法通顺... 内容就普通一点,别太专业,要英文,语法通顺 展开 我来答 1个回答 #热议# 网文质量是不是下降了?betty0728 2006-03-31 · TA获得超过1521个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:775 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:483万 我也去答题访问...
介绍香港特色 英文急!!!
Hong Kong Hits!If you are on a tour of Hong Kong, never fail to bite into Dim Sum, the tasty collection of delicacies served in bamboo steamers, or crisp Peking Duck carved at your table. Be sure to try Jumbo Restaurant, counted among the world's most luxurious floating ...