
我叫xx,今年19来自xx,我的故乡很美,这是董永的故乡。来到这个学校这个班是我的荣幸, 希望在以后3年的时间里和大家愉快的相处。我会学好这个专业,自己选的路,我会好好的走下去。

My name is xx, ninteen years old. I come from xx, where dongyong grew up and it's so beautiful. It's my great honor to be here with you, studying in our school and our class. I sincerely hope we can enjoy a great time together in the next 3 years. Of course, I'll learn my major as well as I can, since it's my own choice, and I'll try my best to live a happy life.
第1个回答  2011-10-06
My name is xx, ninteen years old. I come from xx, where dongyong grew up and it's so beautiful. It's my great honor to be here with you, studying in our school and our class. I sincerely hope we can enjoy a great time together in the next 3 years. Of course, I'll learn my major as well as I can, since it's my own choice, and I'll try my best to live a happy life.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-10-06
My name is xx. I'm nineteen years old. My hometown is also the hometown of Dongyong, which is very beautiful. I'm honored to come to this class of the university. I hope to get along well with everyone for the three coming years. I will work hard on this mojor. For me, I will go along the road of my own choice.