
the GEPT was finished
I finished the GEPT test this morning. In fact, I thought the listening test was not so difficult. It was slower than I listened before. Perhaps I could pass the listening test. However, I was worried about the reading section. Even though it was easier than the online test, I also had no confidence on my own. = =

Next on, I want to find a part-time job to earn some money, and then I can buy the stuff I need.

第四篇:It had rained this afternoon. As usual it could rained with thunder and lightning. But this time I saw a sight that I never seen.

I had a drink in the kitchen when I finished the TV. Suddenly, it had lightning on my neighbor’s roof(the roof is only one floor high). I saw it through the close window. The bright light and loud voice was scared me. If the window was opened, maybe I could see it more clearly. After few minutes, my neighbor went out to check her roof. Everything is ok.

I could not go out when it lightning next time

第五篇:I took the GEPT on-line exam just now. Unfortunately, I got the grade under 80. Oh my god! The 6th August was coming soon. I started to worried about whether I could pass the exam. When I done the online exam, I found the listening test was faster than I did in class. Wow, it was so terrible. I never think the formal exam was so fast. Though I study “GEPT comprehension test” everyday, I still lack confidence in myself. At first, I just want to try it. Now, I gradually take it more seriously. I will do my best.

第六篇:The typhoon 海棠 is coming. It comes with the heavily wind and rains. This is my first time to see the wind so strong. I got sleeplessness on Sunday night. The windows were making noises by the great wind. Even I could hear the voice of the iron sheet down on the street. We could not go out while the typhoon coming. It was very dangers because we might be hit by the trees, ad signboards or others things. Anyway, stayed at home was the best choice for the foul weather.

第三篇:该gept干完后,我完成了测试gept今早. 事实上,我以为听力测试并非太难. 据慢,我听前. 也许我可以通过听力测试. 不过,我担心的阅读节. 即使是较容易,在线测试,我也没有信心靠自己摸索. = =明年,我想找到一份兼职工作,为了多赚些钱, 然后我可以买东西,我需要.

第四篇:它下雨了今天下午. 一如以往,它可能与阴雨雷电. 但是这一次我看到一个景象,我从未见过. 我有喝,在厨房时,我完成了电视. 突然,它已闪电邻家的屋顶(屋顶只是一层高) . 我看见它通过关闭窗口. 明亮光线和声音被我吓坏了. 如果窗口被打开时,也许我可以看到它说得更清楚. 之后几分钟,我的邻居外出检查她的屋顶. 一切432.20美元. 我不能出去时,它闪电下次 。

第五篇:我刚才采取了GEPT 网上检查。不幸地, 我得到了等级在80 之下。噢我的神! 8月6 日很快来临。我开始了对忧虑是否我能通过检查。当I 完成网上检查, 我发现了听的测试快速的比我做了在类。哇, 它是很可怕的。我从未认为正式检查那么快速地是。虽然我学习 “GEPT 领悟测试” 每天, 我仍然缺乏对我自己的信心。起初,我想要尝试它。现在, 我严重逐渐采取它。我将做我最佳。

第六篇:台风 海棠 来临。它沉重来与风和雨。这是我的第一次看风很强。我得到了失眠在星期天夜。窗口弄出声响由伟大的风。我能听见钢板料的声音下来在街道。我们不能出去当台风来临。这非常是危险因为我们也许由树, 广告牌或其他击中事。无论如何, 在家停留是最好的选择肮脏的天气。
第1个回答  2007-08-02