六年级下册第十模块用my middle school写一篇对初中生活想象作文,要翻译


everal years has already passed, but my middle school life still
clings firmly to my memory. Although I got less happiness in middle
school than in my childhood, I was less mature then comparing with the
time when I was in the senior high school and university now, I still
consider that period of time vital important in my life—especially in my
studying life.
2.At the age of 12, I began the first year of my
middle school life. Everything fascinated me so much. The new larger
school buildings—classrooms, libraries, labs—the new students, and
especially so many new subjects made me really intoxicated in the new
environment, and I mistakenly thought that I had grown up then. I
submerged in this short happiness and forgot that I should work harder
than in the primary school.
3.One year elapsed so quickly in my
happiness. The second year of my middle school witnessed my so many
difficulties in my study. My parents forbid me to play any kinds of
games and forced me to go back to the books because I had failed several
subjects in the final exam of the first year. On one hand, I had so
much knowledge of Junior one to make up, and on the other hand , I had
to work even harder to catch up with the others in the new knowledge
study. I really had a hard time then, but now, whenever I recalled that
year, I will never regret about it because it is the hard-working of
that year that laid the firm foundation of my good studying habit.
really flies! The third year of my middle school came without my notice
at all. Like all the other classmates, I had to make enough
preparations for the coming exam to enter the high school. Fully aware
of the importance of that exam, I almost forgot all of the fun that
should belong to me because I really did not want to let my parents down
in any way. And the result of my being allowed into a key high school
did bring my parents and me a short time of ecstasy.
5.The three years of my middle school life had gone , but it will always exist in my memory.