1. Recruitment and selection are examples of specific HR _____.
a. policies
b. values
c. practices
d. attitudes
e. philosophies
2. In the human capital perspective, the company matches the _____ of employees with the organization’s _____.
a. values; budget
b. capacity; motivation
c. capabilities; strategy
d. motivation; capabilities
e. strategy; creativity
3. The written outcome of a _____ is referred to as a _____.
a. job analysis; job description
b. job description; job analysis
c. job analysis; job specification
d. job specification; job analysis
e. both (a) and (c) are correct
4. A _____ inventory provides information regarding the KSA’s available among employees.
a. climate
b. skills
c. engagement
d. culture
e. satisfaction
5. HR forecasting takes its lead from _____.
a. specific production
b. market share
c. operational objectives
d. both (a) and (c) are correct
e. (a), (b), and (c) are correct
6. Worker KSAs represent _____ factors effecting HR forecasting and organizational culture represent _____ factors effecting HR forecasting.
a. internal; internal
b. internal; external
c. external; internal
d. external; external
7. Succession management is the process of ensuring that employees are _____ to meet the strategic objectives of the organization.
a. skilled
b. trained
c. available
d. (a) and (c) are correct
e. (a), (b), and (c) are correct
8. A top-down approach to succession management assumes that employees are _____ to be prepared for the next generation of leadership.
a. ready
b. unwilling
c. untrained
d. (a) and (b) are correct
e. (a) and (c) are correct
9. A psychological contract is a(n) _____ commitment between employers and their employees that guarantees job security and rewards for _____ behavior.
a. written; loyal
b. written; disloyal
c. unwritten; disloyal
d. unwritten; loyal
10. Core competencies are activities _____.
a. traditionally performed internally
b. are most likely to be outsourced
c. critical to business success
d. (a) and (b) are correct
e. (a) and (c) are correct
11. With respect to the HR scorecard, _____ should be linked to _____.
a. people; hierarchies
b. hierarchies; audits
c. deliverables; strategy
d. (a) and (b) are correct
e. (b) and (c) are correct
12. Benchmarking increases organizational performance by comparing _____ to a standard.
a. processes
b. products
c. performance
d. (a) and (c) are correct
e. (a), (b), and (c) are correct
13. Identify and briefly describe the 5C Model of HRM Impact?
14. Briefly describe THREE methods used to measure client satisfaction and identify the problems associated with measuring client satisfaction.
7、 大学毕业的第一份HR工作是否重要?起步不会高,关键是经验,有了经验加上机遇和关系,OK!8、 HR的福利如何?做到副总外企的话是HRP,年薪几十万的也有,起步也就是办公室行政人员差不多。9、 HR的六大模块哪个比较吃香,升职机会更大一些?绩效考核,员工关系。升职不是靠模块,靠综合实力!!!
(1)借:管理费用1000 贷:累计摊销1000 (2)借:交易性金融资产—公允价值变动40000 贷:公允价值变动损益 40000 (3)借:交易性金融资产—成本 295000 应收股利5000(10000股*0.5元\/股)投资收益 1200 贷:银行存款301200
初次见面说(久仰 )& 向人请教说(赐教 )请人原谅说(包涵 )& 无暇陪同说(失陪 )求人帮忙说(劳驾 )& 归还物品说(奉还 )请人协助说(费心 )& 需要考虑说(畅偿扳锻殖蹬帮拳爆哗斟酌 )找人商议说(打扰 )& 请人勿送说(留步 )分不要紧,助人为乐我就满足 ...
有的像录音机,全听全录;有的边听边记,基本上能把教师讲的内容都记下来;有的以听为主,边听边思考,有了问题记下来;有的干脆不记,只顾听讲;有的边听边划边思考。思考时,有的思考当堂内容,有的思考与本课相关的知识体系,有的思考教师的思路,有的拿自己的思路与教师的思路比较。 那么,怎样才能达到听好课的...
5、有一个躲猫猫社团,他们团长现在还没找到. 6、两个手指摆个V,是什么?是耶~~手抖抖抖往下伸,是什么?是落叶!哈哈哈,笑死我了 8、百万富翁开着豪华的加长“林肯”轿车经过一个村落时,看见路旁有两个乞丐正在拔草吃,百万富翁随即停下车。 “你们为什么吃草?” “我们实在是没有钱...”一个乞丐答道。 “...
8.四(1)班部分同学在种树,如果每人种15棵,则还剩下70棵小树苗;如果每人种20棵,则还剩下10棵小树苗。四(1)班有( )位同学种树。A.12 B .10 C .15D 20 9.小朋友分饼干,每人4块,则多出19块;若每人7块,则不够5块,有( )位小朋友 A.8 B .9 C ...
二.你喜欢她三.你在乎她四.你关心她五.你不会对她发脾气六.你可以记得她的生日七.送她喜欢的礼物八.了解她的心意九.懂得浪漫十.常约她出去... 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 star0505 2008-02-16 · TA获得超过843个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:1439 采纳率:0% 帮助...
P=1000×10%×PVIFA12%,5 +1000 × PVIF12%,5 =100×3.605+1000×0.567 =927.5元 即这种债券的价格必须低于927.5元时,该投资者才能购买,否则得不到12%的报酬率。下一道题答案:--- 1)在这一产出水平上,经营杠杆、财务杠杆、复合杠杆各是多少?DOL=(1200-900)\/100=3 DFL=100...
小艾、小伍凑过去:几步? 小玲:分三步! 第一步:把名字写上。(两人点头) 第二步:把题目看一遍!(两人点头) 第三步:——把卷纸交上去! 小艾:交白卷哦! 小伍:什么破题啊? 小玲:我再给你们出一道题儿;说,今天考试了,谁没来? 小艾:今天考试谁能不来?小玲? 小玲:我不在呢么! 小艾:看看四周,小伍? 小伍...
1:A,Be contracted 表示承诺 2:A,had let do before 表示在此前多次要求 3:B,pull down推倒,拆除 4:A,Arouse ones suspicion让某人感到可疑 5:C,表示他在这所学校执教此科的年数 6:A,学校尽量在(生源)提高的情况下增加住宿铺位,自然选择available 下午第四题做错了,改回来。纯粹...