八年级下册英语unit3 B部分2a2b 听力翻译 急求, 回答者加分.

发错了 是八年级下册英语unit4 B部分2a2b 听力翻译 急求, 回答者加分.

Mother:Did you get your report card today, Scott?
Mother:So, how did you do? 那你考得怎么样呢?
Boy:I did OK in some subjects.有些科目我考得不错。
Dad:What did your history teacher say? 你们历史老师说什么了?
Boy:He said I could do better.他说我能考得更好。
Dad:That's not so good.How about Spanish?
Boy:Oh, Ms Mendoza said I was good at speaking。老师说我口语较好。
Mother:That's nice.太好了。
Boy:And Mr Ricardo said I was hard-working.李嘉图先生说我很努力。
Dad:What does he teach again? 他又是教哪科的呢?
Boy:He's my math teacher.他是我的数学老师。
Dad:That's excellent. How about science? 挺优秀的,自然科学呢?
Boy:Oh, well, science is very hard.噢,自然科学太难了。
Dad:Yes, but what did your teacher say? 是的,可是你们老师怎么说的?
Boy:Umm.she¼she said I was lazy.嗯……她……她说我很懒。
Mother:Oh, Scott! You'll have to try harder at science.
第1个回答  2012-03-17
Mother:Did you get your report card today, Scott?
Mother:So, how did you do? 那你考得怎么样呢?
Boy:I did OK in some subjects.有些科目我考得不错。
Dad:What did your history teacher say? 你们历史老师说什么了?
Boy:He said I could do better.他说我能考得更好。
Dad:That's not so good.How about Spanish?
Boy:Oh, Ms Mendoza said I was good at speaking。老师说我口语较好。
Mother:That's nice.太好了。
Boy:And Mr Ricardo said I was hard-working.李嘉图先生说我很努力。
Dad:What does he teach again? 他又是教哪科的呢?
Boy:He's my math teacher.他是我的数学老师。
Dad:That's excellent. How about science? 挺优秀的,自然科学呢?
Boy:Oh, well, science is very hard.噢,自然科学太难了。
Dad:Yes, but what did your teacher say? 是的,可是你们老师怎么说的?
Boy:Umm.she¼she said I was lazy.嗯……她……她说我很懒。
Mother:Oh, Scott! You'll have to try harder at science
第2个回答  2013-03-20
是听力sectionB,2a,2b 新课标
第3个回答  2012-03-15