

Do you know what it means for the moment when you press the shutter of the camera? It means the memory storage and some historical records.
The development of china has witnessed the China's development.
The country, which experienced not only some prosperities, but also lots of declines in the long history, is one of the four great ancient civilizations.
But isn’t it too dull that we can learn all these glories only through those silent records?
If only we had a time machine · · · · · · Everything will be different.
What the future differs the past is that the deceased gives us a reference, while the future still be unforeseen.
Reading histories makes men wise.
If I had a time machine, I will go one by one to witness the birth of the four great inventions of China, namely, gunpowder, the compass, paper-making and printing technology. All these are the fruit of wisdom created by the smart ancient Chinese people.
If I had a time machine, I will go to the Qin dynasty. Although the construction of the Great Wall is to protect against the Xiongnu(Hans), it later became an immortal miracle of the world.
If I had a time machine, I would go to the Ming dynasty to witness the construction of the Forbidden City. Tell the architects, the forbidden city will be their biggest pride!
All in all, there are still many things intend to do with a time machine, but unfortunately , we are not as lucky as Daxiong, a Japanese Cartoon character, who has a Doraemon owing a large number of magic creative things , such as the splendid drawer— a time machine, so we can only live but one day at a time .
If I had a time machine, I would show you a wonderful past and a bright future. However, the most important one is neither but today. For yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present!
Thank you for your listening!
That’s all!
第1个回答  2012-03-13
if i have a time machine, i'd like to go back to the past to prevent some terrible events from happening. For example, the wars, I'll bring the results about the harm which the wars brought to people and the world peace. Besides, i may also stop some great leaders from being murdered, like Dr Martin Luther King.
Well, afer going back to the past and doing what i said just now my duty is not over yet. What i want further explore is to go to the future world. Yes, when i arrive there, i will surely record when the disasters happen, like earthquake,tsunami, and so on. In this way, people who live in the present can get prepared before these disasters .
All in all, that's about all the things i intend to do with a time machine. And what about you? My dear friends?