





第1个回答  2014-09-24
A black child in Wine factory guard oak barrels of his father. Every morning, hewill be a barrel with a rag wipe clean, then a row of neatly. Make him angry is:often overnight, the wind will bring him neatly arranged barrel blown reel right and left.
The little boy very grievance to cry. Father stroked the boy's head and said: "my child, don't be sad, we can think of ways to conquer the wind."
So the little boy sitting on the side of cask and dried tears to ah want, think for a long time has finally come up with a solution, he went to the well to pick a bucket of a bucket of water, then pour them into the oak barrel is empty, then he wouldbe very upset to go home and sleep.
The second day, just before dawn, the boy hurried up, he ran to the bucket ofplaces to look, the oak a neatly arranged, no one is blown by wind, no one was blown awry. The boy smiled happily, he said to his father: "cask in order not to beblown down, will aggravate the cask of its own weight." The boy's father smiled approvingly.
Yes, we may not be able to change the wind, change many things in this worldand society is not, but we can change ourselves, change our own weight and the weight of our own mind, so that we can stand firmly in the world, is not the windand other things blow down and upset.追问


第2个回答  2014-09-24


第3个回答  2014-09-24
心灵鸡汤喝多了反胃 的只有我一个吗~~