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兹有我公司杨豪胜先生(护照号码 G51******),在本公司担任总经理职务,工作两年,年薪20万元人民币,于2011年9月5日-2011年9月16日利用休假前往贵国旅游。所需的费用,均由其本人负担。我公司将保证其在活动结束后准时回国,并仍担任原职务。如有任何问题请给我电话,联系人周玲,联系电话152********. 请贵领馆给予签证的方便。

This is to have my company YangHaoSheng sir (passport number G51 * * * * * *), in the company as a general manager position, work two years, the annual salary of 200000 yuan, in September 5, 2011-2011 on September 16, use a vacation to your country tourism. Costs, all by its him burden. My company will ensure the return to China on time after the event, and is still as the original position. If you have any question, please give me a call, contact person ZhouLing, contact telephone number 152 * * * * * * * *. Please your consulate give visa convenience.