翻译英文 急急急 英译汉!

Good day to you, I have decided to contact you after much thought considering the fact that we have not meet before, but because of the circumstance oblige me, I decided to contact you due to the urgency of my present situation here in the refugee camp, I am Miss Joy Kipkalya Kones, 25yrs old female and I from Kenya here in Africa; my father was the former Kenyan road Minister. He and Assistant Minister of Home Affairs Lorna Laboso had been on board the Cessna 210, which was headed to Kericho and crashed in a remote area called Kajong'a, in western Kenya. The plane crashed on Tuesday 10th, June, 2008. After the death of my beloved father my wicked step mother along with my uncles team together and sold everything that my late father had and share the money within themselves. Unfortunately to me I fined my father's briefcase and when I opened it I found a document, which my late father use to deposit the sum of Eight Million Five Hundred Thousand United State Dollars ($8.500.000.00) here in Burkina Faso West Africa with my name as next of kin, right now I am in Ouagadougou Capital of Burkina Faso to withdraw the money so that i can start a better life and also further my education.

你好,由于我们之前没有见过面,我想了很久,曾经决定和你联系一下。但是由于情况使然,我最后决定联系你。因为我现在在难民营,面领着很紧迫的境况。我叫Joy Kipkalya Kones,是个25岁的女性,我来自非洲的肯尼亚。我的父亲是前肯尼亚交通部长。他和他的助手,国务部的Lorna Laboso登上了萨斯那210飞机。这架飞机是飞往凯利乔的。但是在很远的Kajong'a 坠落了。飞机失事那天是2008年6月10日,周二。我亲爱的父亲死后,我恶毒的后母和我的叔叔们一起把我爸爸留下来的一切都卖掉了。 幸运的是,我找到了我爸爸的公文包,里面有一个文件, 里面说我父亲给我在布基纳法索留下了八亿五千万美元,因为我是我父亲的直系血亲。现在,我在布基纳法索的首都瓦加杜古,我把这些钱存了起来,之后我可以开始我更好的人生,也可以继续我的学业了。

⊙﹏⊙b汗辛苦翻译, 望采纳!!!
第1个回答  2011-08-30