
1.你应该下周二早上交作业。(be supposed to)2.他坐在沙发上,读他最喜欢的小说。(v+ing)3.布朗太太五年来一直住在伦敦,她喜欢住在伦敦。(have been doing)4.牙医禁止她吃糖(forbid sb。from doing/to do sth。)5.昨天本该是足球赛季的开始,但是由于糟糕的天气,第一场球赛就被取消了。(should have done,due to)6.他坚持要把这笔钱给那些他更需要的人。(insist on)谢谢啦,很紧急的(⊙o⊙)!!!(尽量人工翻译!!)

首先 你应该自己做作业 you are supposed to do it yourself!
1. You are supposed to hand in your homework next Tuesday morning.
2. He sits in the sofa, reading his favourite novel.
3. Mrs. Brown has been living in London for five years, and she loves London.
4. The dentist forbids her from eating any sweets.
5. The new football season should have been started/(set on the road) yesterday, however, due to the bad weather, the very first game was cancelled.
6. He insists on giving away the money to those who are in greater need.

第1个回答  2011-10-20
you are supposed to hand in your paper before next tuesday.
he sat on the sofa reading his favorite story.
Mrs Brown has lived in London for 5years, which she likes.
the dentist forbid her from having sugur.)
the new football term should have begun yesterday,but due to the wheather,the first game is canceled.
(he insisted on giving the money to the people who need it badly.
第2个回答  2011-10-20
1. You are supposed to hand in your homework next Tuesday morning.
2. He sat in the sofa, reading his favorite novel.
3. Mrs. Blown has been living in London and she enjoys living there.
4. The dentist forbad her to eat sugar.
5.The football season should have begun yesterday, but the first match was caneled due to the bad weather.
6. He insisted on giving away the money to those who needed it more.
第3个回答  2011-10-20
1、you are supposed to hand in your homework
2、he sits in the sofa,reading his favorite novel
3、Mrs. Brown has been living in London for five years and she likes to live in London.
4. Dentist forbade her to eat sugar
5. Yesterday should have been the start of football season, but due to bad weather, the first soccer match was canceled
6. He insisted the money on those who need him.
第4个回答  2011-10-20
1. you are supposed to hand in the homework next Tuesday.
2. he sits on the sofa, reading his favourite novel.
3. Ms Brown has been living in London all the time, she loves living in London.
4.the dentist forbids her to eat candies.
5.the football match should have began yesterday, due to the bad weather, the first match had been cancelled.
6. he insist on giving the money to those who need it more.