
丽江地处金沙江上游,历史悠久,风光秀美,自然环境雄伟,是古代羌人的后裔、纳西族的故乡。丽江古城海拔2,400米,是丽江纳西族自治县的中心城市,是中国历史文化名城之一,是国家重点风景名胜区。 丽江是个美丽的城市,秋天是丽江最美的季节,秋高气爽的天空、色彩缤纷的树木和花朵,映衬着远处的玉龙雪山令人心旷神怡。小桥流水人家,潺潺溪水从雪山积雪融化而来,如此清澈,清凉。

Hello, my name is * * * * *!I'm from li jiang, yun nan, today I'd like to introduce my hometown shout loudly!
Lijiang is located in jinsha river upstream, has a long history, beautiful scenery, magnificent natural environment, is of the seed of the qiang, ancient naxi hometown. The old town of lijiang elevation 2400 meters, lijiang naxi nationality autonomous county is the center of the city, is one of China's historical and cultural city, is the national key scenic. Lijiang is a beautiful city, autumn is the most beautiful season in lijiang, the fall, the sky, the colorful trees and flowers, set off over the jade dragon snow mountain relaxed and happy. Water bridge the somebody else, flowing streams from the snow-capped mountains of snow melt and come, so clear, cool and refreshing.
Lijiang and worth us to play place, I'm looking forward to my students can go to my hometown appreciate the different customs!


第1个回答  2011-11-06