苏轼(Su Shi)、陆游(Lu You)、辛弃疾(Xin Qiji)、郑和(Zheng He)、曹雪芹(Cao Xueqin)、严复(Yan Fu)、梁启超(Liang Qichao)、鲁迅(Lu Xun)、郭沫若(Guo Moruo)、林语堂(Lin Yutang)、茅盾(Mao Dun)等文化名人的作品,...
用英文8句话写一位名人 要翻译哦
用英语介绍一位历史人物内容如下:一、介绍鲁迅:Lu Xun, formerly known as Zhou Shuren, was China's famous writer, thinker, critic and revolutionist.He had high literary achievements and he was the pioneer of modern Chinese literature, having profound impact on Chinese literature after th...
英文原文:Dr.sun yatsen was a famous historical person. He was born in Guangdong. Dr.sun yatsen was the father of modern China. He was a great leader, he was against the emperor. He tired to chang ...
1、李斯 李斯(公元前284年—公元前208年),字通古,汝南上蔡(今河南省上蔡县芦冈乡李斯楼村)人。秦朝著名政治家、文学家和书法家。Lisi (284 BC - 208 BC), a native of Shangcai, Runan (now Lislou Village, Lugang Township, Shangcai County, Henan Province). Famous politicians, ...
Mao Zedong (help·info) (December 26, 1893 – September 9, 1976) (also Mao Tse-Tung in Wade-Giles transliteration) was a Chinese Marxist military and political leader, who led the Chinese Communist Party to victory against the Kuomintang (KMT) in the Chinese Civil War, leading ...
名人简介英文版(带中文的)——周恩来(1) 2
毛泽东 Mao Zedong (help·info) (December 26, 1893 – September 9, 1976) (also Mao Tse-Tung in Wade-Giles transliteration) was a Chinese Marxist military and political leader, who led the Chinese Communist Party to victory against the Kuomintang (KMT) in the Chinese Civil War, ...
Hua Luogeng. Born in Jintan District, Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, he is a mathematician, an academician of the Chinese Academy , and a researcher the Institute mathematics, Chinese Academy Sciences.华罗庚。出生于江苏常州金坛区,数学家,中国科学院院士,美国国家科学院外籍院士,中国科学院...
Upon his return to Lu, he gained renown as a teacher, but when he was 35, Duke Zhao of Lu led his country to war, was routed and fled to the neighboring country of Qi; in the disorder following the battle, Confucius followed. Duke Zhao frequently came to him for advice, ...