
题目:我的天使如果没有你陪伴,我想我可能早已离开了这个世界。是你给了我继续活下去的勇气,让我感受到了温暖,感受到了爱。虽然我的家庭让我痛苦不堪,但是我有了你才知道其实我是幸运的·。因为上帝派给我一个拥有美丽大眼睛的天使。是你让我明白什么是快乐和幸福。署名:被命运捉弄的坏小孩 以上包括题目和署名在内全部翻译。翻译出来的越深情越动人越好。感谢各位的帮助!欲用软件和网络在线翻译的请绕道走开。

My angel, without you,I could leave this world already. It is you who give me the courage to live on,who make me feel warm and love. Eventhough my family agonizes me, I've been known that I am lucky since I have you. The God send me a beautiful big-eyed angel. It is you who let me know what is happiness.
By a bad kid living fated life
第1个回答  2012-02-22
My dear angle,
without you, I wouldn't live for another second. It's you that give me the courage to live on, warm my heart and feel what is love. Though my family drives me crazy, you bring the light of happiness to me, for the angle with big charming eyes send by God. You tell the truth of happiness.
Love from a bad child with misfortune
第2个回答  2012-02-22
My dear angle, if without your accompany, I might have already left this world. It is you, give me the courage to live going on, make me feel warm and loving is around me. Although my family is the source of my pain, after I having you, I realize that I am the lucky one. Beacuse God award me an angle with beautiful big eyes. It is you, let me understand what is happiness. Singed by : A bad boy who is teasted by fate.
第3个回答  2012-02-22
My dear angel
If i without you, i think i was already left this earthly world. You give brave and survive me. You makes me feel warm and love. My family makes me agonized, but i am so fortunate to have you. God gives me an angel with two beautiful big eyes, that is you. You let me understand what is happiness.
Bad boy teased by fate.
第4个回答  2012-03-03
Without my angel I suppose I could leave the world. I go on to live and feel warm and love because of you. My family brought me lots of pain, but i know I am lucky since know you and thank god present me such an angel with big and pretty eyes. Because of you I understand what is happiness.
The bad child fooled my fate
第5个回答  2012-02-22