

I have something to tell you. I am going to Beijing on 29th this month. And I've already got the train ticket which leaving at 7:28pm on 29th. I decided in rush to travel in Beijing because my friend who in Beijing now wants to see me. We have not seen each other for double years. So I think I might stay there for a week.

liyac基本翻的也是对的。不过becoz of后面要接名词,后面是句话。用becoz(because)好一点
然后不用说might be stay,直接说might stay there 或者说 might be there就行了追问

i am going to beijing 以后用的是at 29th,你用是on 29th,都可以吗?还有啊,i have something to tell you是我有点事想告诉你,还是我有件事想告诉你啊?



something是说有件事儿,但你后面说一堆事儿,也可以说something to tell you,
就好比外国人让你等一下,会说 wait a second. 虽然肯定不只是一秒。只是个语言习惯

只是一个开场白的习惯。当然。你也可以说I have one thing to tell you. I have to tell you something. I have to tell you one thing. 有很多种表达,只要你表达的是这个意思。就像我们也可以说:有件事和你说,有点儿事儿和你说,和你说件事儿,有件事告诉你,都是一个意思



第1个回答  2012-02-20
I have to tell you one thing, i m going to Bei Jing at 29th this month and i've brought train ticket. The leaving time is 7:28pm on 29th. I made this decision in rush becoz of one of my best friend in BeiJing willing to see me and we have not seen each other for two years. I might be stay there for a week.
第2个回答  2012-02-20
I'll leave for Beijing on 29th this month. I've already got my train ticket. It's 7:28 pm on 29th. I suddenly decided to go to Beijing, because there is one of my good friends whom I have not seen for 2 years telling me that she missed me. I 'm to stay there for a week.
第3个回答  2012-02-20
I’d like to tell you that I'm going to Beijing on the 29th this month. I have already bought the ticket. The ticket is for the 29th evening at 7:28pm.

I suddenly decided to make this trip because I have a friend in Beijing who wishes to see me. We haven’t seen each other for about 2 years. I probably will stay in Beijing for about a week.