

我之前问过一些朋友,他们说最好是先给老公申请一个visit pass, 30天到期后,老公需要回国一次,然后再继续申请Long Term Visit Pass, 老公拿着这个Long Term Visit Pass再入境, 之后再申请PR,是这样的吗?

但是我想问,如果老公拿着这个Long Term Visit Pass的话,可以工作吗?另外,如果Long term visit pass可以工作的话,需要多久才能有资格申请PR呢?

1、所有的SVP (包括LSVP) 都不能工作。但是可以去找工作,如果有人雇你,雇主会帮你把LSVP 换成WP或者EP,然后才能工作。




第1个回答  2012-02-24
第2个回答  2012-02-23
据我了解,没必要申请VISIT PASS,直接申请LONG TERM VISIT PASS,不过拿这个证不可以工作的。要想工作,可以再过来后找工作,如果人家公司要,就可以让他们帮申请可以工作的准证,如WP,S PASS,EP。申请PR的条件是原来是S PASS或者EP并且工作满一定时间才可以。PR丈夫为配偶申请PR成功的有见过,但是没听过妻子可以为丈夫申请PR,可以打电话给ICA移民局问问。
第3个回答  2012-02-26
Budget: Restructure economy, reduce reliance on foreign workforce
Posted: 17 February 2012 1614 hrs

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Singapore workers

SINGAPORE: Budget 2012 will prioritise to restructure Singapore's economy so that incomes can grow steadily.

It also aims to build an inclusive society by generating resources to help all Singaporeans get a fair share of the economic pie.

This year's budget also provides significant support to older Singaporeans, those with disabilities and lower-income citizens.

Mr Tharman said the first major priority of this budget is restructuring the economy on the basis of skills, innovation and productivity.

He said the government will now have to look further to reduce reliance on the foreign workforce.

This is by lowering the limit of foreign workers in which firms in the manufacturing and service sectors can hire through a calibrated reduction in the Dependency Ratio Ceilings (DRCs), which specify the maximum proportion of foreign workers a company can hire.

From July 2012, the DRC for manufacturing companies will be lowered from 65 per cent to 60 per cent. Firms in the service industry will see DRC reduced from 50 per cent to 45 per cent.

An estimated 500 manufacturing companies and 8,500 service companies should be affected by the DRC changes.

Mr Tharman noted that a slow growth year ahead is a good chance to lower "DRCs across the board in both manufacturing and services. All firms can then take this into account in their future hiring decisions," he said.

And across all sectors, S Pass Sub-DRC will also be reduced from 25 per cent to 20 per cent.

Companies which hire new foreign workers will not be allowed to exceed the new DRCs from July 2012, but existing foreign workers will not be affected by this change until June 2014.

Foreign workers in the construction sector will also be affected, as the Man-Year Entitlement quotas will also be reduced by five per cent.

Budget 2012 will also see a comprehensive set of measures to help older Singaporeans find work and build up their savings.

Those with disabilities will get help to maximise their potential at each stage of life and more support will be given to lower income in the form of GST Vouchers.

Mr Tharman also promised more support for their children's education.

Besides restructuring the economy to sustain growth while incomes grow steadily, Budget 2012 also provides for Singapore's economy to grow on the basis of skills, innovation and productivity.

More help will be given to support the lower and middle income Singaporeans though education, work, housing and healthcare,

Help will also be given for the lower income to acquire skills so they can hold good jobs and consequently improve their incomes over time.

But the right balance in public finances must be struck as social expenditures will grow in the coming years.

- CNA/fa

1、你可以申请SVP先把他办过来,到了新加坡之后带他去ICA申请LSVP和PR。2、你可以去ICA同时申请PR和LSVP,不冲突的。2、LSVP的要求的东西要简单一些,批准很快;PR的东西多一些,批准的时间会在一个月以上。P.S 1、所有的SVP (包括LSVP) 都不能工作。但是可以去找工作,如果有人雇你,雇主会...

本人是新加坡PR' 老公是中国人' 我们现在都在国内' 请问' 我是先帮老...
个人认为是,先申请旅游签证,然后到新加坡生活一段时间,然后回国后再申请居留证,一般直接申请居留证的话,可能相对来说麻烦一些 (信誉问题)毕竟现在出国以旅游的名义偷渡者和非法滞留者很多。、如果申请旅游签证,并且按时回国的话,在大使馆那边会留有出入境记录,也算是一种信誉的保证。不过还是以个...

本人是新加坡PR,帮老公申请DP需要什么条件吗?比如拿EP, sp的要工资40...

我刚成新加坡Pr 。多久可以给老公申请LTVP 或者Dp. 或者PR啊。 会不...
你随时都可以给他担保申请LTVP或者PR,ICA并没有规定说不接受老婆担保老公申请 不过实际情况是女带男不容易批准,哪怕是你给他担保申请LTVP也要比男带女要困难,担保PR就更难了 还有问题的话欢迎追问

你的先生只能依靠自身的背景提呈申请,在申请时可提呈你们的结婚公证及认证,还有你的永久居民身份,以供新加坡移民局考虑,是否成功取决于移民局。你先生虽然曾经申请SP \/ STP被拒,并不说明你先生不能申请PR,新加坡移民局是依个案处理申请,当然,过去的申请拒签也会作为参考的背景。


您好,黄卡最多呆两年,而且之后不得入境。 但是如果你在新加坡办理结婚手续了,男方是pr的话,你可以让男方去ica(移民局)提出特殊 申请,审核成功的话有可能能拿到亲属准证。当然是有可能,因为黄卡实在有些特殊。

完全可以,但夫人要在新加坡有稳定收入的工作3000以上,三年不离开新加坡,就加永久居民拉。但一般家庭都是一个是pr,一个是纯中国人,给自己留个退路,毕竟一个pr和纯中国人在中国政府那待遇是不一样的(即使pr仍保留中国国籍) GOOD LUCK!


