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他是一位牧师 (但也可以说他是一位现代美术家)
他画了很多幅画 在他的部落格上

我发现这个作者的画 真的让我非常感兴趣
我选择这幅画的原因是 因为它让我觉得世界充满了希望
作者用了蓝色强调光亮 照在这个世界上 就像主耶稣诞生在这个世界上
而且他和别的美术作家不一样 他用的是蜡笔 让我觉得很特别

我选择这幅画是因为 这幅画看起来好沧桑 令人感觉寂寞

枫叶树会像旁边的那棵树一样 慢慢凋谢 代表冬天的来临

我很喜欢这位作者运用的颜色 他用的颜色让我想到
当我寂寞时 就会像这幅画一样 孤零零的

他是一位牧师 (但也可以说他是一位现代美术家)
He is a priest. (or a modern artist)
他画了很多幅画 在他的部落格上
He posted several pictures he drew on his blog.

我发现这个作者的画 真的让我非常感兴趣
I find I'm really interested in his drawings.
Although he is not a renowned or conventional artist, I really think his drawings are creative.
我选择这幅画的原因是 因为它让我觉得世界充满了希望
This drawing shows me a world full of hope, which is the reason I choose it.
作者用了蓝色强调光亮 照在这个世界上 就像主耶稣诞生在这个世界上
It feels that the blue color the painter applied is the brightness illuminated the world when the Lord was born.
而且他和别的美术作家不一样 他用的是蜡笔 让我觉得很特别
And the crayon he used makes him a distinctive drawer.
I think the light on the drawing must represent the birth of the Lord.

我选择这幅画是因为 这幅画看起来好沧桑 令人感觉寂寞
I choose this drawing for it looks lonely and experienced.

Coffee color is used by the artist to describe the desolate automn.
枫叶树会像旁边的那棵树一样 慢慢凋谢 代表冬天的来临
The maple leaves will drop like the nearby tree claiming the coming of winter.

我很喜欢这位作者运用的颜色 他用的颜色让我想到
当我寂寞时 就会像这幅画一样 孤零零的
I like the colors this drawer used which reminds me I was as solitary as this drawing when I was alone.

第1个回答  2012-02-06
He is a priest (but also a modern artist)
He painted a lot of pictures on his blog.
I found that the artist`s paintings really interest me very much.
Though he is not a famous and traditional artist, I feel that his paintings are creative.
The reason I chose this one is that it me makes feel that the world is full of hope.
The artist emphasize the lights lightening the world with bule, like Jesus is born in this world.
And he is different from other artists, he uses crayon. That`s special.
I think that the artist painted the light to represent Juses` birth.

Another reason is that it looks so vicissitudinary, makes people feel lonely.
This artist applied coffee to emphasize desolate autumn.
Maple tree will gradually fade like other trees beside, represents the winter is coming.
I like the artist`s application of colors. His colors make me think that when I am alone , I`ll be lonely just like the painting.
第2个回答  2012-02-06
他是一位牧师 (但也可以说他是一位现代美术家)
He is a priest(or perhaps a modern artist)
他画了很多幅画 在他的部落格上
who has drawn a lot of pictures and put them on a blog.

我发现这个作者的画 真的让我非常感兴趣
I find his work really appealing
Although he is not a prestige or formal artist
I sensed real creativity in his masterpieces
我选择这幅画的原因是 因为它让我觉得世界充满了希望
The reason why I choose this picture is that it enlightens the world for me
作者用了蓝色强调光亮 照在这个世界上 就像主耶稣诞生在这个世界上
The author emphasised it with blue, glittering under the sun, as if Jesus had just come into existence.
而且他和别的美术作家不一样 他用的是蜡笔 让我觉得很特别
Also he differs from the other artists, for he used crayon instead, which particularly made it special.
I suppose the glooming light the author drawn represents the birth of Jesus.

我选择这幅画是因为 这幅画看起来好沧桑 令人感觉寂寞
I choose this picture because of its isolation and a solitary feeling.
This artist used coffee brown to stress the cold friendless fall
枫叶树会像旁边的那棵树一样 慢慢凋谢 代表冬天的来临
The maple tree would slowly fade, like the tree right next to it, to represent the coming of winter.
我很喜欢这位作者运用的颜色 他用的颜色让我想到
I like the colors immensely, for the colors he used
当我寂寞时 就会像这幅画一样 孤零零的
reminds me of my own loneliness. Just like this picture, nothing but all alone.
第3个回答  2012-02-08
He was a priest (but you can also say that he is a modern art)
He painted many pictures on his blog

I found the author of the picture really made me very interested in
Although he was not a famous and traditional artist
However his picture really made me feel very creative
The reason why I chose this painting is because it makes me feel that the world is filled with hope
Authors with blue underlined bright light in this world just as the Lord Jesus was born in this world
But he and other fine art writers are not the same he used a crayon made me feel very special
I think the author's painting is to represent the birth of Jesus

I chose this picture because the picture looks good vicissitudes of life is feeling lonely

The artists ' use of brown highlights lonely autumn
Maple tree as the tree next to slowly fade as representative of winter coming

I really like the authors apply color using the color reminds me of
When I would like this picture, alone
第4个回答  2012-02-06
谁会啊,这么难- -!( ⊙ o ⊙ )啊!

中文翻英文 禁止翻译软体 急 !! 请高手帮我翻 十五分
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中文翻英文 禁止翻译软体 急 !! 请高手帮我翻 可以再加分
I like the colors this drawer used which reminds me I was as solitary as this drawing when I was alone.楼上翻的也不错 两边你参考着看吧

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1.我会说是的,她这麼做会让我们松口气( truth set us free) ,因为至少Sister Helen可以尝试让这个罪犯悔改,和知道自己的过错, 这样的态度会比较抚平受害者家人的心灵. 在电影的结尾,他终於招共了,我的感受是比他还没招共之前的感受还要好,虽然招共 并不能改变他杀人的事实,但至少让他死的比较...

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中文翻英文 禁止翻译软体 急 !! 请高手帮我翻 十五分
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...拜托 会英文的请帮我中翻英 我绝对不要翻译软体啦 可以再加分喔
them.(希望没有看过这部电影的人 都能够去欣赏这部好电影 )I also hope you could admire this brilliant movie if you haven`t seen it yet.(brilliant是英式口语里的表达方式,不要觉得它是“聪明”,不要认为我翻译错了。。。)还有些小错误,自己不想看第二遍了,楼主自己改改吧。

...中文翻英文 请高手进来帮帮我 可再大加分 拜托了 (禁止翻译软件)_百...
absolute quality sleep is the best guarantee for baby to provide all-round growth.quiet is the most basic conditions. Leave a small light for the baby. The right temperature and soft music can help sleep Whatever the type of the baby is , there are their own sleep habits an...

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There should pay price for the beauty.The plastic surgery Kindom, Korea.The opinion about plsatic surgery.

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stagnant, thereafter even regressed to stages they have already overcame.翻译时尽量用了英文原文中尼采的用词(比如超人=overman (德国作家翻译版), 人类=man,超越=overcome)ps:你的原文出自 李洁 的 试论尼采在《查拉图斯特拉如是说》中的历史观, 用的时候最好提提,对得起原作者 ...

法语高手帮帮我 中文翻法文 >< 禁止翻译软体 (急) 可以再加分_百度知 ...
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