
内容包括:1 劝他停止玩网络游戏; 2 讲述网络游戏的危害 3 介绍治疗网瘾的方法
Dear LIlei,
I am very surpsised to hear that you are addicted to playing computer games.

Dear LIlei,
I am very surpsised to hear that you are addicted to playing computer games.Because I think computer games is very dangerous.And it maybe can influence your grades and your life.When I was young,I had like computer games too.So I can't get good grade.Now I have to wear glasses.So I think computer games is bad for yourself.
I wish you can stopping play computer games.Do you think so?
If you want torefrain from(戒除)playing computer games.You can do something you like instead of playing computer games.For example ,you can do more sports,going hiking with your friends,dance,swimming,singing......
I wish you can torefrain from playing computer games .The best wish to you

Li Hua
第1个回答  2007-10-07
I wish you can stopping play computer games 应改成
I wish you can stop playing computer games吧...