









Achievo now outsourcing work to do, I work in this good work, all the leaders and the efficiency of the company by customers, involved in two projects of the test, the first project is the ERP software testing, testing my duty is the test case preparation, execution and BUG tracking, regression testing. 目前正在参与的是一个对外医疗系统的测试,因为我上一个项目和综合素质较好所以目前提升为测试组长,现在我的工作职责是测试用例的编写、评审、执行、BUG的跟踪,协助测试经理做好日常测试部门的测试工作,做一个承上启下的作用,每天检查测试人员的工作情况以更好的配合测试计划,保证测试计划的顺利进行。 Currently involved in is a test of foreign health care system, and because I am on a project to enhance the overall quality is better so now head for the test, and now my job duties is the preparation of test, evaluation, implementation, BUG tracking, help Test Manager Test Division to do the testing routine, doing a role of connecting the test day, check the work of staff to better meet the test plan, test plan to ensure the smooth progress. 在工作中我是一个追求高效率高质量的测试人员,有很强的责任心,做事细致、认真、踏实。 I was at work in a high-quality for high efficiency testers, with a strong sense of responsibility, work and meticulous, careful, practical. 在生活中我是一个很好的倾述对象,很乐意倾听同事以及朋友的倾述且帮他们平静心里的不平衡,不论是工作还是生活都可以。 I am in life is a good tell their object, it is willing to listen and tell their colleagues and friends to help them calm mind imbalance, whether work or life can be. 我觉得作为一个专业的测试人员,我的技术经验可能不完全符合贵公司的要求,但是我有着一个很强的团队意识,我认为作为一个软件测试人员第一个要求是良好的沟通能力,很多事情都需要通过沟通才能做好。 I think as a professional tester, my experience may not fully meet the technical requirements of your company, but I had a strong sense of team, I think that as a software tester first requirement is good communication skills, a lot of things needs through communication can we do. 并且我能很快的接受新知识了解新业务并把它们运用到工作中。 And I can quickly accept new knowledge about the new business and to apply them to work. 我的人生价值就是要在工作中不断的实现自己。 I value in life is to constantly work to achieve their own. 可能我的英文很差,但是我相信只要贵公司给我1%的机会我都会去争取并给公司100%的回报。 Perhaps my English is poor, but I believe that your company gave me a 1% chance to win and I will give a 100% return. 我目前的工作应该是给了我很多东西并且我也觉得让我学到了很多东西,但是和贵公司比起来,我更想加入到贵公司的团队里,恳请贵公司能让我加入到您们的团队。 My current work is to me a lot and I think I learned a lot, but compared with your company, I would like to join your company's team, ask your company who will allow me to add to your team. 谢谢。 Thank you.
第1个回答  2011-12-28
Achievo now outsourcing work to do, I work in this good work, all the leaders and the efficiency of the company by customers, involved in

Testing the two projects, the first project is ERP software testing, test, my duty is to write test cases, execution and BUG tracking, regression testing. Currently involved in is a test of foreign health care system, because the last time I

Projects and the overall quality is better so now upgraded to the test head, and now my job duties is the preparation of test, evaluation, implementation, BUG tracking, to help managers make routine testing testing testing department, to make a nexus

The role of testers check every day to work better with the test plan, test plan to ensure the smooth progress. I was at work in a high-quality for high efficiency testers, with a strong sense of responsibility, work carefully, carefully, step

Real. I am in life is a good tell their object, it is willing to listen and tell their colleagues and friends to help them calm mind imbalance, whether work or life can be. I think as a professional tester, my technique by

Experience may not fully comply with the requirements of your company, but I had a strong sense of team, I think that as a software tester first requirement is good communication skills, a lot of things need to communicate to do. And I am

Quick to accept new knowledge about the use of new business and put them to work. I value in life is to constantly work to achieve their own. Perhaps my English is poor, but I believe that your company gave me a 1% chance I would go to fight and to the public

Division 100% return. My current work is to me a lot and I think I learned a lot, but compared with your company, I would like to join your company's team, ask your company who will allow me to add to your the group

Team. Thank you.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2011-12-27
今はやってachievo外注业务プロジェクトこの仕事をしてから私は、华丽な个人技と仕事の効率性で会社ごリーダーと顾客の好评を得て、経験していた    2种目のテスト作业のために、最初のプロジェクトは、erpソフトウエアテストでテストで私の役目は试験には例の执笔・执行やバグの尾行を、复帰を试した。现在が関与したというのは1つの対外医疗システムのテストのため、私に一    种目と総合素质比较的によいのでまだアップをテストチーム长だったけど、今は私が仕事の职责が试験には例の执笔や审査、执行、バグの尾行を、协賛テスト経理かテスト部门のテストを探していると、承上启下作业だった    役割を果たすには、毎日チェック・テスターの勤务状况が良いとの协力にテストプログラムを确保するため、テストプログラムの顺调に进められている。私は仕事の中で高効率の质の高い・テスター、気の强い责任感を持って、繊细に真面目で踏みだった    実。生活の中で私はとても良いターフでいたのだ追问

大哥 逼我骂人哇。。我要的是英文 不是你说得这个非英文。。。


Now Achievo do project outsourcing work in, in this job with good work efficiency I get company leaders and won the praise of clients, has participated in Two items of tests, the first project is ERP software testing, test my duty is to test cases, and the writing of the execution of the BUG tracking, a regression test. At present are participating in a foreign medical system test, because I a A project and comprehensive quality is so good at present promoted to test group leader, now I are the responsibilities of the writing of the test cases, assessment, execution, BUG tracking, assist test manager to daily test department test work, do a connecting link between the preceding Role, every day to check the working condition of testing staff with better cooperate with test plan, ensure test plan is smooth. In the work I am a pursuit of high efficiency high quality testing personnel, have a strong sense of responsibility, work carefully, step Real. In the life that I was a very good to underlying

第3个回答  2011-12-28
I'm now working on the outsourcing programs in Achievo and I got the appraise of my work from both my leaders and clients by my high effiency. I had been into:追问

